Thursday, 19 July 2018


There are 659 prayers in the bible, and 450 of them where recorded to have been answered. The first prayer was in Genisis where it say “people began to call on the name of the Lord”

Jesus prayed 25 times, probably more but 25 times where recorded in the bible. He also taught the disciples to pray by teaching them the Lord’s Prayer. 

Although you can pray in any position the bible states standing, kneeling, head to the ground, arm in the air and sitting. And the word Amen means so be it or let it be! 

I posted on Facebook “God is Everywhere, So pray anywhere”

Saturday, 30 June 2018

The Beech

I'm lucky that I live by the sea. Some days I don't even see it, but there's something about living by the see that give you respect for the power of it. I guess we see the Wave in the winter, the change of tides and the current changes in the shore line it can create.

One of may favourite things is to walk my dog along the shore line hearing the waves roll in over the stones. Even its a ruff see or when its as calm as a mill pond the sea shows life and echos the power of God.

The sea Give a place of recreation, Boats wind surfing. Kayaking, Fishing or Swimming and as long as we give it respect we can safely enjoy the wonders of the Great Oceans.

I love walking at any time of day along the by the Sea at any time of day in the morning the air is fresh and the suns just up. In the afternoon the Prom is busy and the beach is scattered with swimmers, paddlers, stone throwers and people just chilling watching the waves. and in the evening light from the land shine bright and the lights on the boats out at sea twinkles as the boat move on the waves. 

It’s of no mistake that the bible is full of so many events that happened on, in and around the. Shores of the sea. It’s was and still is a massive part of the earth we live. Giving life, food and work to many and today even producing energy. From Noah Ark to  Jesus walking on water to meet the disciples, from Moses crossing to the disciples fishing, the sea plays a major part in the bible from begining to the end. 

Friday, 29 June 2018

Why Church Matters

Faith Like Potatoes

God Will Make Away.

Im praying very hard right no, and hope what this song tells us is right.

Surfing the Waves

So non of you come to me for relationship advice. I have a failed marriage and 2 failed meaningful  relationships in my CV. Thing is about about a relationships is we can get it so wrong. I’ve just come out of a short relationship that actually meant the world to me. Fact was this Girl was funny, attractive had an amazing passionate faith and loved her church and church family even though in some ways she found it hard to go each week.

Fact is this relationship started at 100mph and I guess when one person tried to slow down the other would not put on the breaks at the same time. We could say we let each other push things aside rather that fit into the slots that where there. And inn the end I maybe was the one that had to take my foot of the gas. I hope in time we may re unite and it be all good if not better. 

It was like a whirlwind crashing through a town smashing every thing in its path. Or a surfer, on the Crest of a wave in control of left and right but not backwards or forwards. 

A good friend asked me about how I keep my passion and my faith so positive. Because his has all but gone. 

Like that surfer. Riding the wave toward the shore, that’s just it, the surfer can only head to the shore as he twists and turns and pulls tricks before the wave crashes and the surfers stranded and fighting to stay away from the rock and fighting to get to safe water where he waits for the next wave hopefully with his surf board still attached to his wrist by rope. 

I remember when I first found my new faith in God. It was like I was unstoppable. I was loving learning new things and reading the bible like a kid with the new Harry Potter novel. Soon that that high could come to an end and I’ll be fighting to get to safety and looking and waiting for that new wave.

So how do we keep those highs going while waiting for a wave? Well I find peace in blogging. It helps me to focus on those down times like now. But also like the surfer has his surf board to keep him afloat while waiting, we have The Bible. We also gave many other things like Dailey reading guides, on line reading, apps  and maybe just chill and listen to worship music or watch a christian movie. The bible may well be just a book to some, but is a book of truth, a book of evidence and a book that will make waves in your life. Also praying helps, hey who better to talk to than God! All these things can help keep us motivated and throws fuel on the fire