Monday, 17 September 2012

The Green Cross Code.

Who Remembers 'The Green Cross Code'? It was an Advert about Road safety in the 70's / 80's.

The idea was to promote a safe way to cross the road, telling us to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN.

STOP at the side of the Road, LOOK both ways, LISTEN out for any traffic noise that may not be seen. ''and when your sure its safe to cross, do so calmly and safely''.

The man in the superhero like suit guided children across the road and stop people running out between cars. He was the character that made this campaign so cheesy and looking back a bit rubbish, but the fact is that many of us remember it so can only be seen as a great campaign.

Just this weekend someone said to me that maybe I spend to much time praying too and not listening too God. Praying is really important but if we pray and speak to God, then we need to listen too. you wouldn't have a conversation with somebody and not listen to what they had to say would you. Well I guess its the same with praying. We have to be open and listen to God to maybe get answers.

STOP and spend time talking to God. LOOK at what god has promised in the bible and LISTEN to what he says back. God always answers but the key to listening is to not have a plan or idea already printed in your mind.

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