Thursday, 17 May 2012

Naked 7's

Ive been asked a few times if Id blog about stuff to do with rugby bar issues. As many of my friends in the rugby world read all my blogs and send some great feed back. So this is for those guys.

Of course there is always going to be people that think my blogs are rubbish and always gonna be people that mock them. That's fine by me as it encourages me to try harder next time.

So what is the main request?.......

OK, well Ive had a few people ask me to try and say what I think the big man would say about past rugby antics Ive been involved in so here goes....

Ive seen many mad things happen at rugby clubs, and on tour (however, what goes on tour stays on tour) and to be honest I really look back, maybe not with pride but with fondness at many of the silly antics that have gone and pasted.

The sing songs in the club house, the bar diving and even a few games of naked 7s here and there.

I guess as we get older we see how shameful some things where but rightly or wrongly it was always done in great spirit. and no one was ever hurt (on purpose) or no one was singled out to be made a fool of (we all got made a fool of at some point)

I could say Ive been a bad lad and maybe could be accused of being unchristian when looking back on rugby antics, but to be honest again, I kind of think it was unharmful and boys being boys.

I'm not going to repeat anything that should be repeated on this blog but Ive already mentioned Naked 7s and this was a favourite game of many a rugby club. It does what it says on the tin. a bunch of rugby gents stripping of and playing rugby.

Its a contact game and I must admit during the rugby season in the UK it can be a bit chilly, but its never a bad time for some extra rugby. It also usually ends up with a few naked players in the bar for a while until all clothes are found after being hidden by some non playing, fully clothed spectators.

God gives us free will and although now I can say I would probably not get to much involve in these antics I don't see anything to wrong with them as long as they continue to be done in good spirit.

The concept of rugby is always sportsmanship and sociable and as members of a club we look to respect all members and look to keep all members even at all times. There is no one better or worse than anyone else and we will always look after anyone that needs help.

The church is very much the same and as a member of a church I have an extended family different to that at the rugby club but in many ways very similar (we don't play naked 7s at church) And in both I see god working within people to help others even if they don't realise it.

So if you're wondering where god is in all the rugby antics or all the bad stuff that goes on in the world then know that God doesn't have a place in making the bad stuff happen, but he makes thing right or better.

the bible says God knows the plans he has for you, plans for good not for evil. When bad things strike, He is there ready for you to ask him to set up his plan for good.

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