Saturday, 28 January 2012

Unanswered Question

In a low time of my life I found my self at the door of my first Sunday school teachers house. I must say I'm not 100% sure why I went there and can honestly say It wasn't something I had planned to do.
We chatted and she asked me if Ive ever read the believers prayer, I said I had read it a few time to myself.
She asked me if I wanted to read it out loud with her which I did.

''Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the things I have done in my life.
I ask your forgiveness.
Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins.
Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit and be with me forever
Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen"

I went away feeling positive and the rest of the week went by OK and I felt more able to see the light at the end of a long tunnel.

A week Later I found myself going back to her and once again we chatted and talked about how the week had been.
She asked to pray with me and while she did she put her hands on my head.
I started to feel a heat in my head and it moved its way down to my shoulders then my arms and chest. I could almost feel my arms burning and sweating as the heat went into my legs.
She finished praying and after a moment of silence she asked if I felt anything.

Now, I'm not the sort of person that will give to much away so I asked her what I should have felt (I didn't want a false reaction) as I am a cynical person. She Said ''HEAT''
Well that answer to me was amazing, as it was exactly what I felt.
I went home later that day I a friend was at our house, I started to tell him about the experience and before I could finish he said to me... ''Did you feel heat?" I laughed and said to him... how did you know that? he had no idea about it.
The next day went by and all was quiet. However the next day I was at work and as I was about to shut up shop and go home some music came on the radio and for some reason I sat and listened.

I still had some questions unanswered and gusted I felt I would never understand. The Question was.. Was this all false? Had my state of mind brought about this experience? was I looking for a way out of the way I had been?
The song that I sat and listened to answered these questions. and i truly believe god had lead me to the house where I prayed with a friend, and had somehow played this song for me to hear that day.

1 comment:

  1. Just one touch from God and you will never ever be the same again..The heat that you felt was the Holy Spirit..It was not accidental that you ended up in your Sunday school teacher's doorstep, it was God ordained...GOd uses tools to speak to His children , through His Word/Bible,, through people, circumstances, songs, etc...even a donkey( remember Balaam)..
