Some times we all get the feeling that your face doesn't fit, or that your not good enough to join a group or rich enough to be part of a club.
It's true that money or education can get some better thing in life. You can get a better job, a better education or a better deal if your in the right circles.
It's the old "it's who you know not what you know" scenario or "if your face fits" situation.
In private clubs and secretive groups there's a voting system that's called the black ball vote. The idea is that members have a white ball and black ball to vote with and if when the balls are all revealed there is a black ball in the bag the the person being voted for is not allowed to join.
Some people are also quick to judge. Like the salesman who judged a customer to be poor and didn't give them the time of day, the customer left the store and went next door and paid£5000 cash for products.
Let's look at Jesus. He was born in a stable, his father was a carpenter and live among the poorer section of society.
Yet he was the son of God. And could have easily been placed in the care of a rich family, born in a palace and part of a royal household. But God wanted him to be with the masses. And spread the word amongst all people.
When Jesus meet with people he spoke to all. Even a tax man who everyone hated because he stole money a was corrupt. Yet Jesus shared a meal with him in his home.
He choose a small group of men to help him and to follow him. These where not kings, or skollars or priests. He chose fisherman and farmers.
So when you feel that maybe you feel your just not as good as others, or feel your not good enough for something remember who Jesus chose to be with, not the rich or the upper class but the people that lived and work. He chose the people that where living as part of the masses. He chose you and me.
This then kills all theory of classes. It kills all ideas that some people are more important than others.
Every person on this earth today is equal in Gods eyes and all have an equal ability to succeed.
Let look at people around us, not as better or worse, richer or poorer but as equal.
Take the challenge to treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself.
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