Friday, 27 December 2013


Catfish is a MTV programme that came from a film of the same name. The film was based on a guy that had entered a online relationship with this girl and his film making mate asked to film the progress of this relationship.

All was good with things going well. He would receive gifts from the girl which would include paintings that the girl had done and would even receive links on email to songs that she said she had written and sung.This girl had become a big part of this guys life and being a good looking model, artist and and singer why wouldn't he be falling for this girl.

The twist came when he found a song (she had said she sung) on you tube, it was the same recording but was not her on the video. He googled more songs and found them to also be someone else's voice on them, this is when alarm bells started to ring.

The long and short of the movie (now a TV show) was that this girl turned out to be a completely different person, and older ladie was many children. The turn "CATFISH" came when the ladies husband mentioned that she was like a catfish, and explained how fishermen would put a catfish in with their catch on long trips to keep the other fish caught on their toes and fresh.

So a Catfish is someone that deceives anoth person on the internet by making out they are someone else, hence keeping the other person keen and falling for the lies.

I was trying to think of a biblical character that could be loosely discribbed as a catfish, and the most obvious one I thought of was Delilah, she tricked Sampson into falling in love with her and when he fell asleep Delilah a cut of his hair hence making him loose all his strength. She made Samson trust her when secretly she had other plans. 

Anyway in the TV series these guys from the film go around exposing these catfish type people and quite often put closer on the situation. Or sometime even turn the situation in to a positive thing. 

Now god has the abilities to turn the worst situation into good and promises that he has the best for us all if we trust him. But this can only be done when we have Gods will and good intentions, the nightmare about that is that we don't know what that is. 

I guess what a so called catfish does is try's to force something that may not be good or of wisdom. And that goes for all of us. I kind of think we all in some way pray or wish for things to happen. this could be winning the lottery or winning over a curtain person. But we don't see what god sees but we learn in the bible that his plans are far far better than we could imagine.

See if we think we know what's best for us, then rest assured God knows he wants better for us. If we think we can change our future then know god has already planned it. I can't have what I believe god wants but then again maybe he wants better. I can't do what I think god wants me to do, because god wants me do so much more.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

In the sewage

Wow been a while since I blogged, but I found myself on Christmas Day all alone and missing my family more than ever. It's not that I hadn't  had offers of Turkey dinner but I guess I just felt I didn't want to feel needy or a charity case.

Not having my family round and kids waking me up excited that father Christmas has been, smell of roast dinner and opening of presents has of course been hard and at moments been a bit depressing but I guess in a way a simple, quiet Christmas Day gave me time to reflect on what Christmas really mean. 

It's strange that we all look at Christmas as a time to share with others and to reach out to people in need. And TV is filled with not only adverts of goodie to buy for the festive time but also adverts for charities to ask for donations to help the less fortunate.

As a Christian it is a time to remember and reflect on the fact that it is the time we celebrate the comming of Jesus, the king of kings and son of God (pretty important title right) bringing peace on earth and good will to men.

So I've been wondering what makes Christmas a more charitable event than the rest of the year, and if we all do enough throughout the other 11 months to please God and help extend that peace on earth and good will that the angels spoke about.

Is there rules about when the good will should be performed? Is there a label on when we should give a little more than usual? I don't think there is, so I've been thinking that there so much more I can do to try and serve God.

I guess 2013  has been for me a year to try and forget. With so many bad events in it. It's almost as if the Last 2 years have been a walk through the long sewage tunnel struggling through the horrid smelly sewage waste high at time only to find that when you seem get clear of the deep stuff you walk a little further to find yourself upto your neck in it again.

The only light comes in the form of drain covers to high to reach but locked anyway so even if you try to get to the light you'll be waisting your time. 

The only true light comes from the entrance and how ever hard it is, you have to find it no matter how deep you find yourself in the muck you have to keep moving in the hope the exit is comming soon.

I'm not going into what I've had to deal with this year but let's say its a year I'm not going to want to repeat and like 2012 it's one I can't go back and change as much as I want to. But still I have to try and move forward and trust that I will see the exit light soon. Turning back is not an option.

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the light" but sometime even when I know god is there I have found myself doubting it. It's a tuff thing trusting in god when everything is against you. Yet as a Christian I believe in the bible and know it to be the word of God so in 2014 I'm not going to make resolutions or start by saying it's going to be any different to 2012 or 13, I'm going to try and continue walking and listening more to God and know that through him everything is possible