Wednesday, 17 September 2014

See The Northern Lights!

Last week we where told that the northern light might have been visible here in suffolk UK. As long as we could get away from unnatural light and get a clean view there was a good chance to see the great lights in all it's glory. 

Sadly here in felixstowe we have one of the worlds biggest container ports and the light generated from the port can be seen all over town and behind makeing it almost impossible to have the chance to see stars let alone the northern lights. 

How many times do things stop us from seeing the bigger picture or the greatness that the future may bring. Outside influence, peer pressures and just normal everyday life can sometimes get in between us and our full protential. 

God knows this to, but he isn't going to strip those things away. He isn't going to turn of all the power so we can see the northern light display. What he will do however, when we let him is guide us past those pressures and distractions, he will help us to see the things ahead of us and lead us to a more clear view of those things more important. 

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