Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Should I be Angry?

As a business owner I know I live I a corporate world where people can sometimes seem to think of nothing more than to make money. Don't get me wrong as a business owner I understand the importance of making profit and making money but I also believe there are certain values that should feature just as importantly as money making.

I try my best to treat every customer the same no matter how big or small the sale is. Also I feel its important to give customers a fair price and to be Honest to myself without judging others.

This morning I took a call from The East Anglian Dailey Times telling me of a new Magazine coming out. I was told it was to be selective and 5000 copies where to be delivered to selected residential areas where they have money to spend.

when I questioned this I was told that it is based on people income, number of cars, number of holiday abroad and other states that, to be honest should never really be used to judge people and choose who you want your customers to be.

I hope that people know I don't choose customers, and that I would never treat any customer different to another based on criteria that to be honest is none of my business or the business of The East Anglian Dailey Times.

I made it clear that as a Christian I felt that this approach to business was wrong and that I wish to offer my services to everyone ad not a selected few.

Should I be angry and annoyed?

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A Kick In The Head.

About 6 years ago I decided that I needed to diet and get fitter as I was mid 30's and could feel my rugby playing days coming to an end. I dieted and did a little bit of running in an attempt to keep up with the younger lads.

Ill always remember the day Thurston Rugby Club came to Felixstowe to play us in the league and I was selected in the first 15 and was the oldest player in our squad. The first half went well and most of the second half seemed to be OK too. in fact I was feeling quite good as the new slimmer, faster me was keeping up with play.

About 10 minuets from the end of the game a loss ball popped out of a maul. I remember seeing it slowly rolling to a stop about 15 yards away from me. I was going to claim that ball and start a counter attack. As I ran to the loose ball I could see the opposition Fly Half also running towards it. As a front row player there was no way any fly half was gonna beat me to the ball Id already claimed in my head.

I ran towards it and slid on like a pro to secure the ball. Sadly the opposition player pulled out and instead of sliding against me took one almighty kick at the ball. Id already beaten him to the loose ball and well sadly his right footed smash sadly connected with my face rather than the ball.

The next thing I knew was my team mate Luke Coster Reeve knelt down beside me telling me how hard I was to survive such a boot (cheers Luke) I was swiftly removed from the field and standing in the club house being check over by my proud chairman and club president who seemed be be wilded at the fact I was still talking to them despite my very indented cheek bone. 

So what happened to that thing some call Karma? Id trained hard and dieted to get to that loose ball only to receive a boot in the face. Please note that night I had a Large Donner kebab (with chips) and made the decision to end my Olympic running bid. After all the hard work and hungry evenings to be rewarded with a dented check bone was not to me a very fair deal.

How many times when things haven't gone our way do we blame God. How many times do we hear people saying that If there was a god bad thing wouldn't happen? We seem to try so hard to do what we feel is ''Gods will'' yet life seem to continue to throw stuff at us we just don't need.

The fact is God never promised an easy life and never said he who believes will be saved from harm or sadness. God isn't a puppeteer who controls our thought and actions but is a God that will be there what ever life throws at us.

See The guy that Kicked me instead of the Ball (oh and I think it hert him more than me) made a choice to back out of the challenge. And maybe it was my training and diet that helped with my Quick recovery.


This Picture was taken on the same day as my kick in the face. Id like to mention that John Terry got a foot in the face but if you see the footage you'll see this was just a tap in the face rather than a full on kick. John Terry spend time out and returned playing with a protective mask on. I played 7 days later proving that Rugby is the true mans sport. (this statement was for my fellow rugby playing buddies across the world)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Seeking Simple Solutions.

So once again I've heard people talking about their belives saying "I believe in something, just not sure what". It's a common statement.

The fact is when speaking with athiests or hearing comments from them saying there is no way god can be real, I can't help but think how narrow minded they are. 

So how does a person that isn't sure what they believe in find answers. Well as a Christian who believes that Jesus was saviour of the world and died and then came back to life I would have to say what we are told in the Bible would be the best place to start. 

It tells is that if we knock on the door the door shall be open for us, if we seek we will find. So when we seek whole heartedly we will find the truth. 

Sure this just sounds like more Mumbo Jumbo that makes it sound like a magical equation, but there's nothing magical about it, in fact the bible is as current today as it was 2000 years ago. And as simple as seeking and finding when we seek openly.