Monday, 7 August 2017

Which Path?

Chatting to a friend, I was challenged to get back into blogging again. I have to admit in the last year or two blogging has been really hard to do. I have the thoughts but guess I not felt myself good enough to publish anything.

So my challenge is to write a blog and and pot it this week. And I guess I have a lot going round in this crazy head of mine that I could in fact blog for days, I guess I've just not felt the inspiration flowing in like I have done before. Or maybe I have not felt worthy enough to post on here.

First thing you'll notice reading my blogs is the bad spelling and grammar used, in fact tat was also what my friend saw. But she also noticed I had a passion for writing and a dimple way of getting the massage across. So with her encouragement ringing in my ears I decided to start typing and see where it lead.

There's a passage in the bible saying ''In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path.'' When speaking to my friend she reminded me of the saying ''God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called'' and unless we try and move forward and follow what we feel may be Gods calling then we will never fin out gods will for our lives.

Life is full of what ifs and if only, they are sayings I am sure we have all got hanging around our thoughts from time to time but unless we act on those thoughts we may never reach our full potential.

One of my favourite bits of the bible says something like ''He who watches the rain will never sow, and he who watches the wind will not reap''. In other words if we don't look into those things we feel god is telling us then we cant ever act on them. You may be wrong and if so at least you can move on, but if your right, imagine the great things God can achieve through you.

I'm trying to acknowledge him and still unsure of the ways he wants me to go, but looking at all possible routes, but i do know I can try and blog more often if that's a possible way towards his directed path.

After all he turns our weaknesses into his opportunities and that mean he has a heck of a lot of opportunities in me.