You ever heard the phrase seek ye first? It’s in Matthew 6 verse 33 of the Bible. It’s also a well know song sang in churches and schools throughout the world. Written by a lady in America called Karen Lafferty, its a simple song with word direct from the bible it’s self.
So what does it mean? Well I guess we have to go back to the begining of the chapter. It says don’t let one hand see what the other hand is doing or give to the needy in secret rather than telling others and looking for praise. It says don’t stand on the corner of streets or in crowded church’s, praying as if you’ve swallowed a dictonary, looking to impress. But go and sit alone in your room and pray personally to God and know he is listening. It also says about fasting (going without something we like). It clearly says don’t go around telling others you fasting but keep it between yourself and God.
In today’s world we all look for others approval. We sometimes try and look for praise and tell others how great life is or how great we are because we did something good. We idolise the famous and let money rule our lives. This is not what God tells us to do.
We don’t need other people’s approval or money to make us great. We don’t need to pretend we are as good as the next person or go along with others just to stay popular. All we need to do is seek Gods praise and approval. Because it’s when we “seek him first” all those other things won’t matter as much, and our worries and our fears will not be taken away but fade into less significance. We will learn to know and trust God. And then all things shall be added.
So don’t worrie about how much better or how rich you are in the eyes of the world. Don’t worry if someone knows more than you or can preach better or can pray better. Gods already given us a perfect prayer to pray in the shape of the Lord’s Prayer. So as the bible says, worrie for nothing for when you seek God he will add all his goodness to you.
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