So people keep asking when I will start blogging again. Truth is since the pandemic I’ve not found a church to settle in.
I guess being a single guy who’s kids have their own opinions on going to church I personally find it hard.
One thing I do know is that God hasn’t left me and I still maintain a strong faith, and off course I know the importance of being part of a church and having Christian freinds and family around.
This week I was encouraged to try and re look at my blog and remember why I started it. At first it was to take my mind of the world around me during a time of depression. Then I realised people where reading it and “getting it” and it became more about bring a message in my own words that people seemed to understand even if spelling and grammar wasn’t perfect.
So after a long break I’m attempting to restart this blog and hope to include more features including vlogs and interview with other Christian’s. Also I’d like to look around my local community to look how churches in my area differ from each other and how they impact the local community
So it’s maybe apt that this blog is being written on the Saturday before wit Sunday. Wit sunday being the day the Christian church first Christian and the Holy Spirit comming down from heaven.
Reports of high winds comming though the windows of where they would worship together and Tongues of fire landing on each of their heads. Going out into the streets and speaking in tongue to the people outside and them understanding. This is the edsact same experience I had when I finally got the whole Christian thing. (I hope to do a video on that)
That day, God sent his spirit down to live among us. 40 day I think it was after Jesus had reterned to heaven after he conquered the grave and resurrected. A sigh that we have a life after earth if we want to choose his way. And that same Holy Spirit is in every Christian that sincerely invites him in to there lives.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
And even though (hands up) I’ve not been going to a church every week I have kept my faith knowing the holly spirit is guiding my life like he always has done through my parents and family and freind and now he lives in me!