Sunday, 29 April 2012

The next chapter.

I find myself coming to the end of a chapter in my life. A chapter that's been hard, tearful and one that's brought me down.

Remember the wait for the final Harry potter book. Everyone waiting for the book and listening to here when it goes in sale. The books and films where a massive hit and every one who followed the Potter books couldn't hold back for reading the next.

You know as a chapter ends for me I look and wait for the new chapter to be written. Maybe it's the final chapter coming or maybe it's the end of a book.

I know that god has still many more books and many more chapters in him with my name on and although I can't see it now, I think there's a twist in the tail of the coming book.

Are you feeling that your on you last chapter? Are you feeling that the last book has been written?

Trust me when I say that there is still a best seller to be read. There is always another chapter to be written.

Ok I'm finding it hard right now to see the woods through the trees and to see that god has a plan but we read in the bible it tells us

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding".

I guess I'm not understanding to much at the moment. And if your not seeing that next chapter or next book or next trilogy then try and look to god for he has plans beyond our understanding.

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