Monday, 9 April 2012

Free Will

Judas was a follower of Jesus who at Easter lead the authorities to Jesus which lead to his arrest. being paid for this Judas felt so guilty he hung himself.

Pilot was the man who held all the power. I'm not even sure he really thought Jesus deserved to die. Pilot gave into the calls for Crucifixion and handed Jesus over instead of setting him free.

Look at these two people and we can see that they played a massive part in the death of Christ. But was it a bad thing or was it Gods doing?

Well I hear alot about people hurting others or doing somthing they really dont like, and very quickly start to blame God.

How Can God make this happen? why is God doing This?

But God gives us all free will and doesnt force himself onto any situation.

It says in the bible ''God has plans for god not for bad" however he cant stop people doing bad things to people but he will be there to help with the hurt.

The Plan of God was to send Jesus to die for us. but weather or not his plan was for Judas or Pilot to play apart in that Im not sure, I wonder all the time about that, and I guess God maybe did have another plan but Judas and Pilot had free will and the rest is History.

Dont look at bad things as Gods doing, we are all given free will by god, he will ever force himself on us but will be there as soon as you seek him whole heartedly, And maybe the bad things in life can be brushed aside with God in your life.

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