Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Death Crawl.

I think it was the Hypmotist Paul McKenner that came up with a diet where you eat normally but you eat your meals blindfolded. The idea is that you then only eat until you are full, and not keep eating just because you see there is still food on your plate.

Our Brain can often tell us stuff that maybe we dont need to hear, because we see it doesnt mean we can or cant do something. It was another guy from TV Derren Brown that did an experement with Robbie Williams where he put a large needle in his arm. As Robbie was blind folded he didnt feel the pain until he saw what had happened.

I had this when years ago I had stitchesin my eye after a rugby collision (you should have seen the other guy). In A&E after the doctor had stitch me up I was told I was to have a Tetnus injection. I hate needles and had already told myself it was going to hurt. As i rolled up my sleeve the nurse looked at me and said "other end''. I dropped may trousers and bent over the bed tense and wieghting for the pain. The nurse said ''Finished'' and i didnt feel a thing.

Watch this Video.....

The Lad in the Movie is already looking at defeat, the drill with the guys on their back ''The Death Crawl'' seem so hard to get to the 30 yrd line. Once the boy is blindfolded and with a littyle encouragement from the coach he crawls the full 100yrds of the pitch.

Remember ''Lean not on your own understanding''. Dont just trust what we see with our eyes. Dont just trust what we hear with our ears and feel with our body. Trust that God is there and has a bigger plan for you and gives you more ability than you can ever imagine.

Nothing is inpossible or out of reach, and true belief and real faith will get you to achieve more than you think you can.

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