Saturday, 23 February 2013


We all have the ability to make decisions. Some better than others, but even from an early age we have decisions to make.The Fact is we sometimes make wrong choices that we look back and kick ourselves wishing we had seen what we see after the event.

I'm no different and recently I made a choice that I wish I could change. I did it thinking I was doing it for all the right reasons but looking back it now looks like I may have made a terrible error.

I have over past months been trying to make decisions with God. Asking him for direction and praying that these choices are correct. I shouldn't, but I'm now starting to doubt if I did the right thing.

Things we choose to do, or not to do have an impact on our future. Becoming a christian was the best thing I ever did but it doesn't mean I'm without my troubles. And some choices I have made as a christian have been fantastic but some have back fired. 

I may have chosen to oversee Gods best and maybe my best as I try and walk towards my own goals. I guess I can only hope God brings the best back to me. 

It all comes back to faith. I need to find that stronger faith again as without it a christian cant be at his best and doubt starts to creep in

I really hope that God brings back the best as looking back I can see a bright future and one with God alongside. I also hope that others will see gods best in me.

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