Saturday, 23 February 2013

Toy Train

Last night I got into watching ''STORAGE HUNTERS''. Basically it these two guys that go round and bid for storage units. Some times its Just a pile of junk but most of the time there is something in the unit that will make them a profit.

Last night they came across an almost empty unit and most of the people looked at the unit and walked away. But this one guy decided to buy the unit for $1.

When they got into the unit they found nothing but an old plastic Christmas tree in a box. But this guy was not giving up. He stuck his hand deep into the box to see if his luck was in.

What he found was an old toy train, about 100 years old, made of tin. It would have been part of the Christmas decorations and would have ran around the base of the tree. He also found it worked too.

Later they sold the tree and lights for $50 and the train fetched $325 leaving a profit of $374.

Now that guy found something good in a storage unit full of junk and when everyone else had walked away he had faith in the almost empty unit.

God see good in us and although our lives may seem empty and future dull, he will always find a way of making things work out better than you think.

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