Saturday, 30 March 2013

Finding faith 2

In the midst of a very black tunnel people can start to do strange things. Panic and confusion can creep in and people start to get disorientated.

I guess for the people looking in the most obvious thing for that person to do is keep moving forward. Soon the light of the exit will appear and everything will be one clearer and less stressful.

But for the person in the tunnel those rational thoughts just don't register. It is as if other crazy thoughts over take the mind.

Well I guess sometime life can be like getting stuck in a tunnel. Not able to make sence of what has happened or not seeing a future.

Trusting in God is one of the hardest things to do when it seems that he has failed you. I know as this has been an issue of mine recently. But somewhere in a little corner of my head tells me to keep trying to put faith in God.

When all around you seems to have fallen and all about you looks lost the only rational thing to do is try and keep moving on. Try and fix your eyes on Jesus and try and find faith that he has a plan.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Finding Faith

So the bible says 'trust in God' it also says 'depend not on your own understanding'. So what does this mean?

I find this a pretty hard thing to follow, after my experience of "trusting God has seemed to lost me more than what I had. Following what I felt God was saying to me has lost me something amazing and trying to depend on God seems a pretty stupid thing to do.

I'm not saying I've completely lost faith, but I must admit the way things are is starting to make me wonder if God is actually as faithful as it says in the bible.

I heard so strongly from god that I followed what I felt was right. I also did something that I thought was what Jesus would do in a situation. I prayed for god to step in another situation and he didn't.

So how do I continue to trust God?

Well I guess I have to try and dig deep in the lowest and darkest time of my life. Having things taken from me, having depression and wrongly listening to god is way behind my understanding and this faithful God has not yet proved himself to me. But I continue to try and trust and continue to pray that god starts to become faithful.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

who is Jesus?

I've been attending a bible class at church called ''Christianity Explored''. Now so far in the two sessions we have been looking at who Jesus is and things he done.

Now the New Testament was written by people that that either knew or had links with Jesus. Now to dismiss the bible would be foolish, as it is written evidence of things that happened in those times.

So to dismiss the fact that Jesus was a real person that lived would also be pretty foolish too. See people wrote about Jesus and things that he said and did. He must have been pretty important to so many people for them to even bother writing about him.

I guess in many ways Jesus was like a leader or iconic figure for the people of that time. He brought hope, he performed miracles and he showed love to every man.

Jesus heeled the sick and raised the dead. He calmed the storms and controlled the weather. These event are hard to believe and I guess in our group we discussed this and think we came to the conclusion that it is all down to Faith.

This week is called Holly week by many, Sunday saw Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey where people lined the streets cheering and waving palms.

This Made the leaders and high authorities annoyed seeing the people cheering at this guy on a donkey and that's when things took a turn for Jesus and the disciples.

The Events of this week would change the World forever, and all down to this one man Jesus.

So who was he? well that's a question that can only be answered by faith and belief in the written evidence of the Bible. If he was just a bloke that was good at tricks, nice to people and a hope bringer, then I guess Easter is just a holiday with chocolate eggs.

If you believe the written evidences in the Bible then Jesus was more than Just a guy in sandals. He was a guy that had followers, he was a guy that controlled the sea he was a guy that defeated death. He was God.

look at the Easter story... THURSDAY - the last supper, FRIDAY - The death on a cross, SUNDAY - Jesus was seen alive by many.

If you want to dismiss the Bible as ''just a good book'' then enjoy the eggs and break.

If you cant dismiss the Bible then maybe this weekend has a much important meaning.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The best is yet to come

Once again I have left it to long to do a blog and once again people are asking for one. Truth is I guess I've not had the inspiration to write.

I'm really finding it hard to follow what I think God may be telling me as these past few months have been a down hill journey.

I guess sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that God wants the best for us all and that he promises the best and tells us he has plans for good.

After trying following my heart and praying for direction I must admit Im more confused than ever.

I recently watched Bruce Almighty for the first time and in this film Bruce soon discovers that the answer to prayers cant always be ''Yes''.

This got me wondering if what I wanted, maybe is not what God wants.

I recently got a strong feeling to follow my heart and after a week of stewing I finally decided I had to do it. OK I may well have been wrong but I guessed as the feeling wouldn't go I had to do something about it.

I found out I was wrong but no real harm came from it and and I hope I can now try and move forward and work out what God has planned for me.

Like I have said in the past, being a christian doesn't remove us from pain or stop bad things happening to us. What it does mean is that we know and can be reassured that God is working on bringing us the best.   

Saturday, 2 March 2013


I remember a few years back I was Captain for the Felixstowe 2nd Team. We had to travel to Colchester for a league game and as per second team tradition we scraped a side together including one of our player mate that had never played before and jumped into the cars to go and play.

Now we had a pretty young and quick side that day, and the new boy although not knowing what he was really doing ran like the wind. The Colchester side however was older and slower but never in rugby do you look at this as an advantage.

I have played these old boys many times and they are strong and hit hard and this day was to prove no different.

We got to half time 10 points behind and as captain I was trying to explain to our young backs that to score try's we needed to run round them not through them. This seemed to fall on def ears as we fell further behind and our centres seemed to have no passing ability.

I remember one of our older forwards and myself shouting at them PASS, PASS PASS... that seemed to do the trick and what happened next changed the game.

The centre's had finally got it into there heads that this funny shaped ball could be passed to another guy and decided to try it. This was a revelation and once they got it the ball ended up out on the wing and who should be holding the ball.... yep, the new guy.

He ran like the wind passing with ease the defence and ran in for a try. Then again the revelation of ''the pass'' was awarded straight after with another try on the other wing. We one that day and I can honestly say this was one of my most memorable moment in my rugby playing days.

Rugby is sometimes about thinking on your feet and having the ability to learn and change your way of thinking. It's sometimes essential to listen to others around you and work with them in order to improve the teams performance.

We all have to learn to listen as we go through life, its not easy and sometime we have to swallow our pride but trying to work with whats in front of you can sometimes be the only way forward. God will not put anything in your way that you cant deal with, and we sometimes have to try and find a way round those things.

If your struggling with stuff right now and cant find a way through it, maybe there's away round it and just maybe God will show you and help you to pass it.