Wednesday, 27 March 2013

who is Jesus?

I've been attending a bible class at church called ''Christianity Explored''. Now so far in the two sessions we have been looking at who Jesus is and things he done.

Now the New Testament was written by people that that either knew or had links with Jesus. Now to dismiss the bible would be foolish, as it is written evidence of things that happened in those times.

So to dismiss the fact that Jesus was a real person that lived would also be pretty foolish too. See people wrote about Jesus and things that he said and did. He must have been pretty important to so many people for them to even bother writing about him.

I guess in many ways Jesus was like a leader or iconic figure for the people of that time. He brought hope, he performed miracles and he showed love to every man.

Jesus heeled the sick and raised the dead. He calmed the storms and controlled the weather. These event are hard to believe and I guess in our group we discussed this and think we came to the conclusion that it is all down to Faith.

This week is called Holly week by many, Sunday saw Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a donkey where people lined the streets cheering and waving palms.

This Made the leaders and high authorities annoyed seeing the people cheering at this guy on a donkey and that's when things took a turn for Jesus and the disciples.

The Events of this week would change the World forever, and all down to this one man Jesus.

So who was he? well that's a question that can only be answered by faith and belief in the written evidence of the Bible. If he was just a bloke that was good at tricks, nice to people and a hope bringer, then I guess Easter is just a holiday with chocolate eggs.

If you believe the written evidences in the Bible then Jesus was more than Just a guy in sandals. He was a guy that had followers, he was a guy that controlled the sea he was a guy that defeated death. He was God.

look at the Easter story... THURSDAY - the last supper, FRIDAY - The death on a cross, SUNDAY - Jesus was seen alive by many.

If you want to dismiss the Bible as ''just a good book'' then enjoy the eggs and break.

If you cant dismiss the Bible then maybe this weekend has a much important meaning.

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