Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Toilet Thinking.

There's a curtain pride in a mans heart that can sometimes stop him from being the best he can be.

Sometimes the male ego can get in the way of what really matters and the fight against brain and reality can sometimes spiral out of control.

Its a bit like when the 2 yard flop over the line in the corner to score a try becomes a 40 yard solo run past many defenders to score the winning try under the posts. Or the time you hit 80 mph on the M25 turns into 110 mph.

We all have the ability to bend the truth, or in many cases lie about it to make ourselves look better or feel better. But the truth is we are all in reality who we are and who we are made to be.

 When we think about it being ourselves is one of the hardest things to be, but its also the one thing we can excel in.

If we feel we have failed then maybe we need to look forward and turn that failier into success. If we feel we have lost then maybe we need to find a way of winning.

It is said the best place to think is on the toilet, its also one of the only places we can truly be ourselves.

At the beginning of this year I lost something that I truly felt the world of (and still do). Now I feel I have failed and lost the chance of an amazing future because of this. I also have been wondering why God let me down at that time.

I listened and listened and followed what I felt he was saying, but I have lost that now and just cant see a future as good as it could have been.

I guess looking back is never the best way to find success. Bending the truth is never the way to become better. And accepting failier is never the way to the best future that god promises.

If you feel you've failed make that decision to turn that failier into the success. Its gonna take time but the bible tells us that Gods time is nothing like ours and patients is the key to to faith, and faith is the key to Gods Glory.

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