Wednesday, 23 October 2013

More Trust

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
 Proverbs 3:5-6

How Many of us struggle with trust? I've blogged about it before. but Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of those bible verses that seem to come up time and time again.
Ever had some great news or some amazing situation that you just find to good to be true. It may be a bonus something you've been looking and asking for a long time.
Although it seems great you still don't really trust it, it could be something that in your mind could bring so many great things yet you still worry that it all unreal and that the bubble will burst at any point.
Maybe you just don't feel worthy of it, and feel that with the bad stuff that seems to happen in your life just doesn't tie up with this good thing.
I guess trying to work it all out is just an impossible task, and as much as we try to make sense of it all just seems don't we don't want to trust it.
Well These verses in Proverbs now can come clear. Don't worry about the situation TRUST IN THE LORD. Don't try and work it out and find a negative side LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. try and see God as a guide and trust him as he wont let you down HE WILL MAKE THE PATH STRAIGHT.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


So once again it Wednesday and I find myself catching up on paperwork and updating spreed sheets. Its all part of running a business I guess.

We had a meeting at the Rugby club last night, this was to do with the schools rugby I am running. so people from RFU, the School and the club all sat down and chatted about the project.

I was really surprise that the RFU where looking at getting 10 new players into the Club. To me this seemed like a low target as already we have had 4 new players turn up for youth training. I was expecting at least double that.

I then got thinking once home, do we set out targets for ourselves that are easily achieved?

See when god set people challenges in the bible, they weren't easy every day orders, they where big scary challenges with target so great that the people being ask just couldn't see the possibility.

Gideon, Joshua and Moses to name but a few where all give great challenges in the bible which they thought was way beyond what the thought they could achieve. but guess what... they achieved it every time.

Sure its good to set achievable Targets. As a youth  rugby coach this is important so that the players Im coaching continue to achieve and stay interested and a feeling of pride.

But do we set ourselves life challenges with big enough targets?

God wants us to think big. he wants us to trust him and know that with him anything is possible. I have a few targets and things I want to change and I know with him the impossible is possible.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


So what's your Passion? So many people all with different passions. We sometime look at other peoples passions and just can't understand how they are passionate about that thing.

But with out passion can we truly be happy or truly reach our best?

Some people change there passions and become passionate about something for a short time before moving on to something else. Others will hold a passion that lasts a life time dedicating their spare time to what they love. 

I am finding new passions in people. Not only that but am finding an old passion in rugby too and have started to realise that the two things can run along side each other.

Rugby is one of those rare sports that has a place for all types of people. On the rugby field there is a job tall guys, there's a job for big guys there's a job for little guys and a job for clever guys and not so clever guys. All the different positions on a rugby pitch have skills that every one can fit in to a position. This is not always a matter of size it's also a matter of personality.

Jesus had a passion for all people, no matter who they where he saw the good in everyone. His biggest passion was for the sick and the poor people sure, but his passion for all was shown Many times through his healing a preaching. He loved children and also the elderly because he knew that each person he met is love by god.

Weather your passion lies in people, sport, work, home, transport, cooking, cleaning, places, the stars, television, movies.... There are so many to mention. Try and find a way to use it, because god wants passionate people and can use any passion for his work.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


I'm writing this blog for the first time on the iPad. Yet another gadget I'm finding makes life a little more barrible.

The iPad has almost made my computer redundant and while my lap to is down I am using it for much more than I expected, including writing this blog.

I think we all need a purpose, it helps us to continue to live in a way that is worth living. For some of us we really struggle to find a real purpose in life and have to dig deep to find some thing to stay positive for.

This is quite often true in the church where many times you will find people not feeling important enough to be part of the church. 

Recently I've been feeling like this and some how think I'm a spare part in the church I attend. 

I guess when you have been let down by the person you love and things taken away that made you who you are you start to question your purpose in life.

The one person I love left and everything I was proud of got all but taken away. The things I cherished got broken and dissolved. When then one person you love and trusted cheats and misuses your love and trust it make all those things you live for seem pointless. 

When people you view highly as friend turn against you and you realise they have a very low opinion of you, it take that spence of purpose away. 

Well I read something earlier that read. "Happiness is way of travel, not a destination" made me wonder is my purpose was to lose so others gained. Sad thinking but it is a harsh reality that however we look at it, one person has to lose everything for another to gain it.

I'm not sure what my purpose is in life. But if we stop then we will never find it. 

I have to settle for second best for my boys and me. But those who have shattered our lives will go on to acumplish more. If I am but here to loose then gods will be done. 

The best is heaven and not here, so to let others take better and me too settle for 2 nod best then so be it because the real best comes when we are with our maker and that lasts for ever.