Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
How Many of us struggle with trust? I've blogged about it before. but Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of those bible verses that seem to come up time and time again.
Ever had some great news or some amazing situation that you just find to good to be true. It may be a bonus something you've been looking and asking for a long time.
Although it seems great you still don't really trust it, it could be something that in your mind could bring so many great things yet you still worry that it all unreal and that the bubble will burst at any point.
Maybe you just don't feel worthy of it, and feel that with the bad stuff that seems to happen in your life just doesn't tie up with this good thing.
I guess trying to work it all out is just an impossible task, and as much as we try to make sense of it all just seems don't we don't want to trust it.
Well These verses in Proverbs now can come clear. Don't worry about the situation TRUST IN THE LORD. Don't try and work it out and find a negative side LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. try and see God as a guide and trust him as he wont let you down HE WILL MAKE THE PATH STRAIGHT.