Wednesday, 9 October 2013


So what's your Passion? So many people all with different passions. We sometime look at other peoples passions and just can't understand how they are passionate about that thing.

But with out passion can we truly be happy or truly reach our best?

Some people change there passions and become passionate about something for a short time before moving on to something else. Others will hold a passion that lasts a life time dedicating their spare time to what they love. 

I am finding new passions in people. Not only that but am finding an old passion in rugby too and have started to realise that the two things can run along side each other.

Rugby is one of those rare sports that has a place for all types of people. On the rugby field there is a job tall guys, there's a job for big guys there's a job for little guys and a job for clever guys and not so clever guys. All the different positions on a rugby pitch have skills that every one can fit in to a position. This is not always a matter of size it's also a matter of personality.

Jesus had a passion for all people, no matter who they where he saw the good in everyone. His biggest passion was for the sick and the poor people sure, but his passion for all was shown Many times through his healing a preaching. He loved children and also the elderly because he knew that each person he met is love by god.

Weather your passion lies in people, sport, work, home, transport, cooking, cleaning, places, the stars, television, movies.... There are so many to mention. Try and find a way to use it, because god wants passionate people and can use any passion for his work.

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