Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Simple Times

I writing this blog by Candle Light as we are awayin the caravanfor the weekend

My boys are in bed andits boiling hot, all i can hear is the odd mumble of people outsideand the cars on a distant road going past. Looking outside I can see lightning in the distance and a few other caravan lights on around the site.

Sometimes the simple things can be the most important, and time with my boys is so great that is pretty much the only time In life I feel blessed by God.

Sadly at the moment I dont share that time with anyone else, and its sad that these memoriesare ones only I will cherrish (although I hope the boys do too)

Its at these times I feel the need to be close to God. Its so hard being a single dadon weekends filled with couples and families.

Wehen I am away from home and with the boys I praythat this is not what God has planned. I hope he has so much more instore for me and will renew the family life I loved so much, and to share those memorys once more.

As the candle flickers I am reminded that God isnt complex, and asking so much from him may seem impossible yet is so simple for him.

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