Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Hitting Rock Bottom.

This month I've seemed to be on a real downer, sad thing is I kind of know what is causing it but there just is nothing I can do about it. All I find myself doing is praying and trusting God will work it out. 

So frustrating when your powerless and just can't do anything to right the situation you face. The world you know and loved has crumbled around you and there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. 

Some one once said "if you want it, go get it" but what about those impossible to reach. 

Trust me, I'd do anything to see that light in the distance, even a pin prick of light to walk towards. I guess that's the state of depression. 

Sometimes I see that light only to find that the light is soon faded away and the darkness overwelms me once again. 

My dreams and prayers to me are maybe in reachable and the future is nothing more than a distant memory. The only comfort I have I find in writing which I do not because I'm good at it but because it kills time. 

So a life full of bright future has become a  life of emptiness and tears. And those dreams have faded and hope all gone. 

But we find hope in the bible and hope that for me is worth putting my faith in as I pray for the one thing I long for. 

When you hit rock bottom, you then realise that rock is God. A foundation for life. 

See The Northern Lights!

Last week we where told that the northern light might have been visible here in suffolk UK. As long as we could get away from unnatural light and get a clean view there was a good chance to see the great lights in all it's glory. 

Sadly here in felixstowe we have one of the worlds biggest container ports and the light generated from the port can be seen all over town and behind makeing it almost impossible to have the chance to see stars let alone the northern lights. 

How many times do things stop us from seeing the bigger picture or the greatness that the future may bring. Outside influence, peer pressures and just normal everyday life can sometimes get in between us and our full protential. 

God knows this to, but he isn't going to strip those things away. He isn't going to turn of all the power so we can see the northern light display. What he will do however, when we let him is guide us past those pressures and distractions, he will help us to see the things ahead of us and lead us to a more clear view of those things more important. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Today has been a day of learning. A couple of things I didn't know about my home town. The kind of things that sort of make you look at the place differently. 
Now Felixstowe is a coastal town with a river at each side. This essentially makes it a one road in, one road out type of town. 

Now the rivers alone make for some interesting tidal patterns and at the one untouched end of the town the shingle if forever changing shape (this is not the learned fact) 

This set up together with a south east facing beach means we have ( not that you would notice) a very slight difference in climate to much of the uk. This in turn allows a a flower to grow here that is not seen growing wild anywhere else in the UK. This is the California Daisey (much larger than the common Daisey). 

Also there is a colony of lizards living here and is said to be one of the biggest colony of lizards in the UK. These lizards have found home in our slightly warmer climate (not quite the Bahamas) and have found home in the Victorian gardens along the sea front. And quite large as average length is between 9" to 12". 

Now I've lived here almost 40 years and love local history and facts but didn't know these things. However u did know that in the same area of town is said to be one of the purest natural springs you'll find and years ago instead of being developed as a water bottling business was turned into a entertainment building locals know as the spa. 

Suddenly the facts all make sence (kind off) the pure springs that flow out at the spa gardens on Feilixstowe beach front and the slight difference in climate along with the Victorian designed gardens have created a place perfect for these things to live and flourish. 

As a kid I was brought up in church learning about God, hearing stories from the bible and learning about Jesus. These I guess where to me just stories and although I understood there was a God and we prayed to him at Sunday lunch and bedtimes I guess that was all I knew. 

Not until later in life I learned about a personal saviour, forgiveness and started to understand the father, son and Holy Spirit did it all start to make sence. 

The best thing about it too is I never stop learning and never stop finding out other amazing thing that God has done. Just like that spring water in the cliffs at the spa God to makes thing we wouldn't thought possible work in our lives.