Friday, 11 March 2016

"Cheers for the car God"

This week a friend asked me why I hadn't blogged on for a while. The simple answer is that I haven't had much inspiration to block for quite awhile. But strangely this week just 48 hours after being questioned about it inspiration came. 

A friend of mine has been working in Italy helping helping to conquer the battle against people trafficking there.

This lady having worked in London and now in Rome has been now posted to work with people affected by people trafficking in Florence (Italy)

This new post much like her and others will take her to people in need of helpfrom the effects of people trafficking.

I'm not hundred percent sure what her job actually entails, however she had mentioned that it that the new post was going to be hard for the fact she had no car. Florence being a large area where she will need to visit people to help them would be difficult or the impossible without a car. she had in fact prayed that a car would be made available for a new posting.

She mentioned her concerns on Facebook and one of her friends suggested if all her Facebook friends donated 3 pounds should raise £5000 which would be enough to buy a car and help with initial running costs and expenses.

Well this idea in fact was agreed by many  of her Facebook contacts and very soon someone had set up a fund raising page for her.

Within less than two hours it had raised over £1000 and as the day went on she had raised over £3000. The next day I looked at the page around midday and sure enough the total had past £5000, in fact it was nearly up to £6000. 

Now I've seen things like this before and many people that have tried will tell you that to raise money is hard, and to do it on line without offering anything back is near impossible. 

The fact that so many people felt they wanted to help this lady raise the money for a car so that she could do gods work to the best of her ability influenced me to write this blog as just maybe God had it covered long before she knew of the move to Florence. 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28

1 comment:

  1. It's brilliant and so true Gareth. I am very humbled.
