Wednesday, 15 August 2012


When I was a kid, Id play for hours alone kicking a ball against the wall in our garden and in my mind the back garden took on the image of Wembley or Twickenham (did I mentioned I played at Twickenham once).

Suddenly I could be playing against Kevin Keegan and Terry Butcher and Wembley or Brian Moore and Will Carling at Twickenham. As I entered this little world of fantasy in the back garden of Glemsford Close nothing mattered and the world out side of the garden where far away from where my mind was.

I'm sure many people will remember similar times as the surroundings took on a whole different meaning. Someone once told me the road outside their back gate was his Wimbledon centre court as he and his mate would be in the Wimbledon Final again and again.

This type of play is great for kids as they learn, dream and build ambitions. As adalts we still learn, have dreams and ambitions but these things can maybe change as we almost become restricted through our knowledge and experiences.

Why do Ambitions need to be realistic? Why should Ambitions need to be achievable?... They dont.

Many of are ambitions are self Centred and built around ourselves, for are own rewards and there nothing wrong with that, as long as it does harm of effect others in a bad way. But its great to have ambitions that could benifit others.

I have a new ambition and one that is both self centred and could benifit others, that is to do Gods will and to follow where I think he is leading me. It still a bit mad really and some that know me may also say its unachievable. But Im trusting God and praying for him to lead me.

Try and have ambitions, and try to make those ambitions good and for good as thats what Gods ambitions are.

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