Friday, 31 August 2012

Expect The Best

It great to have your life mapped out and know what you want and think we know whats best. How ever sometimes the Best isnt always what we planned.

Iwant the best for my boys and I try real hard to give them the best. Education, happiness and love is alway some of the top prioritys. But some times they want something different.

If the boys want to stay up late and watch a film on a school night they think its the best thing to do. But as a dad I know that this could cause lack of sleep and lack of coserntration the nexty day. Lack of conserntration cou.ld then mean they dont learn as much as if they where fresh and alert.

Its a struggle sometimes to keep calm and not give in when my youngest is not wanting to settle down and my oldest is refusing to even think about bed because his little brother isnt asleep of he is watching TV.

God can work like this (after all he is our father) and he want the best for us all. he isnt the one that makes bad things happen, he isnt the one that send desarster and he give us all the free will to make our own desitions.

But what God does do is try to give us the best. It may be we had the best and that change but God knows his plans for good and we just need to trust and ask him. Its not 2nd best or make do, it another best and one that he could be in control of if we let him.

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