Thursday, 2 August 2012

London 2012 - Day ?? (Bridge)

i seem to have got my days muddled up and am 1 or 2 days behind. Yesterday Team GB won 2 Gold medals so wanted to make sure that was noted, before I tried to get back on track with my days. So now I'm going to try and cover up the mistake or at least try and make it right.

I'm sorry about this. I was not counting the Opening Ceremony as Day 1 and Saturday was Day 1 as that's when the first medal was won. Also I'm reporting on the day before so yesterday was Day 5 and Today is Day 6 ..... I think.

We will always make mistakes and do bad things that go against Gods will. The bible calls these thing ''sin'' and we ALL do it. Nobody on this earth is without sin and and those people that say they are committing sin by saying they are.

So how do we put these mistakes right? Well I hope I covered up the Day mix up well as I felt the best thing to do was realise my fault and firstly put my hands up and say "yep, I was wrong". Second thing is to apologise, not only to others but to God.

Sin can be a scary word, but we need to know its something that happens in life and even when we try and live without sin it will try and find away back in.

God Knows we are going to sin. He didn't want us too, but he knows we do. So what did he do to make it OK. well we have to find a way to God, but there is a massive gap between us and him. When we sin the gap seems to get wider. So God created a way to cross that gap easily.

See, he sent Jesus to earth to ultimately die in the most painful way possible, he was hung to the cross and left to die a slow death.

But why do Christians keep going on about this?....... Because Jesus came to die for all the sin we do. Dieing on the cross was to take the punishment for us.

To become a christian we need to know Jesus and know he died for our sins so that we could have forgiveness for them.

Jesus said ''No one comes to the father except through me'' or in other words, before we can be with our father (God) in heaven. we need to ask Jesus into our lives and ask him to forgive us.

So mistakes can happen, but we can turn to Jesus as he bridges the gap between us and God.

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