Thursday, 5 September 2013

Time Waits For Nothing.

So the school holidays are over and everyone is going back to school. Parents are feeling strange in quiet houses and the morning traffic has got busier.

Some will be meeting up once again with old school friends and others will be meeting new ones. Some will be back in familiar settings and others will be finding the way around new schools.

Its the start of a new school year, the time when new uniforms are smart and pencil cases are correctly filled and bag neatly packed.

Time doesn't stop for no one. We go on with our daily lives and sometime days roll into weeks and weeks into months.

there is 7 Days in each week all with 24 hour in. Each hour has 60 minuets with 60 seconds. That's 86,400 seconds in it day that's 604,800 seconds in a week and even while your reading this blog those seconds have ticked by.

Is there things your putting off? Time wont wait for you, so don't wait for time. Make the choice today, make every second count.

The years I waisted away, running from the truth and trying to be someone I wanted to be not being who I am have gone, yes I can learn from it but cant get that time back to change it.

God promised that when we trust him and follow his call we will be given the best. God doesn't look back nor does he stand still. He knows our future he has planned for us and waiting for you to ask him for directions.

So if there 86400 seconds in today, that's 86400 opportunities to say yes to Gods call.

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