Friday, 28 November 2014

Jose Mourinho


Jose Mourinho (Chelsea Football Club Manager) was once asked about the pressure of his job in top flight football. He answered "what pressure?, pressure is millions of people around the world, parents with no money to buy food to feed their children. Not football"
What Jose said was applauded by some, but others where not so happy about what he said. But what he said was probably a statement that has stayed in my mind for a lone time. 
If makeing money and winning trophies is as important than life then we have maybe got something twisted about face. The fact the question was asked after Chelsea lost a second game in a row made it even more of a strange question.
How do we act to pressure? And what makes us feel pressure?
I guess in today's world, money is gonna be hi on the list. Followed maybe by jobs or keeping up with what is expected from us. 
The famous old saying is that god won't put anything in out way that we can't handle. Bit of a clichè right? I'm still making my mind up about that, as maybe it should say God won't put anything in our way that we can't handle with him. Now doesn't that sound more realistic?
This week has been one of the lowest weeks in a long time. Infact I've not felt so alone and down like I have this week. But I picked up my bible and flicked it open and saw something I'd stuck in there a long time ago. 
Never had my bible ment so much and dispite all the tablets I take and then people people I see it was Gods word "the bible" that lifted me from what could have been a dangerous bout of depression. 
No matter who we are and where we are at in life's "rat race" we can always look to god knowing he can't always stop that bad stuff happening but he will to encourage and take some of the pressures away. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Should I be Angry?

As a business owner I know I live I a corporate world where people can sometimes seem to think of nothing more than to make money. Don't get me wrong as a business owner I understand the importance of making profit and making money but I also believe there are certain values that should feature just as importantly as money making.

I try my best to treat every customer the same no matter how big or small the sale is. Also I feel its important to give customers a fair price and to be Honest to myself without judging others.

This morning I took a call from The East Anglian Dailey Times telling me of a new Magazine coming out. I was told it was to be selective and 5000 copies where to be delivered to selected residential areas where they have money to spend.

when I questioned this I was told that it is based on people income, number of cars, number of holiday abroad and other states that, to be honest should never really be used to judge people and choose who you want your customers to be.

I hope that people know I don't choose customers, and that I would never treat any customer different to another based on criteria that to be honest is none of my business or the business of The East Anglian Dailey Times.

I made it clear that as a Christian I felt that this approach to business was wrong and that I wish to offer my services to everyone ad not a selected few.

Should I be angry and annoyed?

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A Kick In The Head.

About 6 years ago I decided that I needed to diet and get fitter as I was mid 30's and could feel my rugby playing days coming to an end. I dieted and did a little bit of running in an attempt to keep up with the younger lads.

Ill always remember the day Thurston Rugby Club came to Felixstowe to play us in the league and I was selected in the first 15 and was the oldest player in our squad. The first half went well and most of the second half seemed to be OK too. in fact I was feeling quite good as the new slimmer, faster me was keeping up with play.

About 10 minuets from the end of the game a loss ball popped out of a maul. I remember seeing it slowly rolling to a stop about 15 yards away from me. I was going to claim that ball and start a counter attack. As I ran to the loose ball I could see the opposition Fly Half also running towards it. As a front row player there was no way any fly half was gonna beat me to the ball Id already claimed in my head.

I ran towards it and slid on like a pro to secure the ball. Sadly the opposition player pulled out and instead of sliding against me took one almighty kick at the ball. Id already beaten him to the loose ball and well sadly his right footed smash sadly connected with my face rather than the ball.

The next thing I knew was my team mate Luke Coster Reeve knelt down beside me telling me how hard I was to survive such a boot (cheers Luke) I was swiftly removed from the field and standing in the club house being check over by my proud chairman and club president who seemed be be wilded at the fact I was still talking to them despite my very indented cheek bone. 

So what happened to that thing some call Karma? Id trained hard and dieted to get to that loose ball only to receive a boot in the face. Please note that night I had a Large Donner kebab (with chips) and made the decision to end my Olympic running bid. After all the hard work and hungry evenings to be rewarded with a dented check bone was not to me a very fair deal.

How many times when things haven't gone our way do we blame God. How many times do we hear people saying that If there was a god bad thing wouldn't happen? We seem to try so hard to do what we feel is ''Gods will'' yet life seem to continue to throw stuff at us we just don't need.

The fact is God never promised an easy life and never said he who believes will be saved from harm or sadness. God isn't a puppeteer who controls our thought and actions but is a God that will be there what ever life throws at us.

See The guy that Kicked me instead of the Ball (oh and I think it hert him more than me) made a choice to back out of the challenge. And maybe it was my training and diet that helped with my Quick recovery.


This Picture was taken on the same day as my kick in the face. Id like to mention that John Terry got a foot in the face but if you see the footage you'll see this was just a tap in the face rather than a full on kick. John Terry spend time out and returned playing with a protective mask on. I played 7 days later proving that Rugby is the true mans sport. (this statement was for my fellow rugby playing buddies across the world)

Monday, 13 October 2014

Seeking Simple Solutions.

So once again I've heard people talking about their belives saying "I believe in something, just not sure what". It's a common statement.

The fact is when speaking with athiests or hearing comments from them saying there is no way god can be real, I can't help but think how narrow minded they are. 

So how does a person that isn't sure what they believe in find answers. Well as a Christian who believes that Jesus was saviour of the world and died and then came back to life I would have to say what we are told in the Bible would be the best place to start. 

It tells is that if we knock on the door the door shall be open for us, if we seek we will find. So when we seek whole heartedly we will find the truth. 

Sure this just sounds like more Mumbo Jumbo that makes it sound like a magical equation, but there's nothing magical about it, in fact the bible is as current today as it was 2000 years ago. And as simple as seeking and finding when we seek openly. 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Hitting Rock Bottom.

This month I've seemed to be on a real downer, sad thing is I kind of know what is causing it but there just is nothing I can do about it. All I find myself doing is praying and trusting God will work it out. 

So frustrating when your powerless and just can't do anything to right the situation you face. The world you know and loved has crumbled around you and there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. 

Some one once said "if you want it, go get it" but what about those impossible to reach. 

Trust me, I'd do anything to see that light in the distance, even a pin prick of light to walk towards. I guess that's the state of depression. 

Sometimes I see that light only to find that the light is soon faded away and the darkness overwelms me once again. 

My dreams and prayers to me are maybe in reachable and the future is nothing more than a distant memory. The only comfort I have I find in writing which I do not because I'm good at it but because it kills time. 

So a life full of bright future has become a  life of emptiness and tears. And those dreams have faded and hope all gone. 

But we find hope in the bible and hope that for me is worth putting my faith in as I pray for the one thing I long for. 

When you hit rock bottom, you then realise that rock is God. A foundation for life. 

See The Northern Lights!

Last week we where told that the northern light might have been visible here in suffolk UK. As long as we could get away from unnatural light and get a clean view there was a good chance to see the great lights in all it's glory. 

Sadly here in felixstowe we have one of the worlds biggest container ports and the light generated from the port can be seen all over town and behind makeing it almost impossible to have the chance to see stars let alone the northern lights. 

How many times do things stop us from seeing the bigger picture or the greatness that the future may bring. Outside influence, peer pressures and just normal everyday life can sometimes get in between us and our full protential. 

God knows this to, but he isn't going to strip those things away. He isn't going to turn of all the power so we can see the northern light display. What he will do however, when we let him is guide us past those pressures and distractions, he will help us to see the things ahead of us and lead us to a more clear view of those things more important. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Today has been a day of learning. A couple of things I didn't know about my home town. The kind of things that sort of make you look at the place differently. 
Now Felixstowe is a coastal town with a river at each side. This essentially makes it a one road in, one road out type of town. 

Now the rivers alone make for some interesting tidal patterns and at the one untouched end of the town the shingle if forever changing shape (this is not the learned fact) 

This set up together with a south east facing beach means we have ( not that you would notice) a very slight difference in climate to much of the uk. This in turn allows a a flower to grow here that is not seen growing wild anywhere else in the UK. This is the California Daisey (much larger than the common Daisey). 

Also there is a colony of lizards living here and is said to be one of the biggest colony of lizards in the UK. These lizards have found home in our slightly warmer climate (not quite the Bahamas) and have found home in the Victorian gardens along the sea front. And quite large as average length is between 9" to 12". 

Now I've lived here almost 40 years and love local history and facts but didn't know these things. However u did know that in the same area of town is said to be one of the purest natural springs you'll find and years ago instead of being developed as a water bottling business was turned into a entertainment building locals know as the spa. 

Suddenly the facts all make sence (kind off) the pure springs that flow out at the spa gardens on Feilixstowe beach front and the slight difference in climate along with the Victorian designed gardens have created a place perfect for these things to live and flourish. 

As a kid I was brought up in church learning about God, hearing stories from the bible and learning about Jesus. These I guess where to me just stories and although I understood there was a God and we prayed to him at Sunday lunch and bedtimes I guess that was all I knew. 

Not until later in life I learned about a personal saviour, forgiveness and started to understand the father, son and Holy Spirit did it all start to make sence. 

The best thing about it too is I never stop learning and never stop finding out other amazing thing that God has done. Just like that spring water in the cliffs at the spa God to makes thing we wouldn't thought possible work in our lives. 

Monday, 4 August 2014

Sad World News..... Callenge

Sadly I saw this this morning and felt I needed to use my right to freedom and blog. start a political debate, but to just show support to Christians around the world that do not have the right to speak out.

Various sources have received independent confirmation from inside Syria that these men were former Muslims that had converted to Christianity, Illinois Review reports. They were not ‘..rebel fighters from a rival faction..’ as many news outlets are reporting.
Each of the 8 men were charged with the crime of apostasy for renouncing Islam and converting to Christianity. When confronted by the ISIS members, they refused to “revert” to Islam.
This is the “only” reason they were crucified. According to Islamic jurisprudence, crucifixion is a method of death reserved for Christians. They do not crucify other Muslims.

This picture that accompanied the story shocked me and left a bad feeling in me which I can only explain as both sad and angry.
Please understand however this is not the I am not pointing the finger a Muslims as my under standing of the Muslim is one of love and peace and I know Muslims that would be feelings the same way as I am.
As a Christian living in the UK, I am free to right this blog as to are many other people of different faiths aloud to have freedom of speech. Great Britain being dubbed a multi cultural society, we should be proud of the fact that our little island is run on Christian values which include love, peace and tolerance.
Sure many will disagree with me but look at it this way, we do not judge or deny people of different faith the right to practise their faith and beliefs. Just as Jesus spoke about everyone being Gods children and the fact he loves everyone. Here in the UK we also give everyone the equal right to Worship and be part of different faiths.
Lets go back to Syria. I don't really know much about this place but it shocks me to think that in 2014 this type of thing still goes on. It mirrors the death of Jesus who was killed in the same way because he spoke out and claimed he was the Son of God.
As we go about our daily lives aloud to have our own opinions, free to go around the UK without being questioned, free to have our own space, free to speak to anyone we want, and free to share our beliefs with others. Just remember these 8 Christians that (like so many others around the world) didn't have that freedom but spoke out anyway because of their faith in God.
We have a unique opportunity to teach and share our faith with people and maybe sometimes we don't do it as much as we should. This may sound really crazy but as a Christian Id like to challenge myself and others to speaking out to at least 8 people this week about our faith. Maybe this way the 8 Christians that died in Syria can have a voice as we use our right to speak for them.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Simple Times

I writing this blog by Candle Light as we are awayin the caravanfor the weekend

My boys are in bed andits boiling hot, all i can hear is the odd mumble of people outsideand the cars on a distant road going past. Looking outside I can see lightning in the distance and a few other caravan lights on around the site.

Sometimes the simple things can be the most important, and time with my boys is so great that is pretty much the only time In life I feel blessed by God.

Sadly at the moment I dont share that time with anyone else, and its sad that these memoriesare ones only I will cherrish (although I hope the boys do too)

Its at these times I feel the need to be close to God. Its so hard being a single dadon weekends filled with couples and families.

Wehen I am away from home and with the boys I praythat this is not what God has planned. I hope he has so much more instore for me and will renew the family life I loved so much, and to share those memorys once more.

As the candle flickers I am reminded that God isnt complex, and asking so much from him may seem impossible yet is so simple for him.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Why come today?

So the football World Cup has been and gone and as we all well know Germany beat Argentina in the final by a goal in extra time.

It's was dubbed one of the best world cups for many years with surprises coming throughout. Firstly Spain, Italy, Portugal and England failed to make the 2nd round. Then a couple of lower teams did. Then some injuries and host nation Brazil lost 7-1 to Germany in the semi finals.

I think eventful is a better word than exciting, but I'm one that thiinks the real World Cup is next year as the Rugby world nations come together.

Wether your a football fan, rugby fan or not, there's no denying that these events attract billions of people from all over the world and apart from the odd few people, on the whole it seems to bring people and nations together.

In today's media drive world we can have up to the minuet news anytime we like. When a leader or royalty of a nation speaks we hear it and see it as it happens. Most impressively was way back in 1969 when man walked on the moon ( before my time I might add).

So if we talk about eternity and how many millions of years ago the planet was formed and that we have such a small window of opportunity which is 2 to 3 thousand years, why did Jesus come when he did? Why not wait till the sermon on the mount could have been live streamed or pay as you view miracles? The answer to that is one that I can only try to guess.

See Jesus mentioned the fact that he who sees and believes are blessed, but those who don't see yet believe are moe blessed.

Maybe God knew what was going on in this 21st century world with internet and SoCal media. Maybe the better plan was to come in a less populated time visiting a world that was simple and could be helped more.

Maybe today we are so fixated in the material life we would fail to see this man as we sit in front of the games machine, TV or computer. Maybe we wouldn't notice him as we drive round in our cars and stay in our cosy homes.

It would be sad to not recognise Jesus or to even see him there. It would be sad to think we wouldn't see Jesus because we are so wrapped up in soup operas, chat shows and games shows.

It would be sad to not see Jesus because we are watching sport, eating  take aways and meeting in bars and clubs.

Sadly even sadder all these things are already what we are doing, everyday. Not acknowledging Jesus, not giving hime time and not trusting him.

Always The Same

Well its been a while..... all I can say is when I don't seem to have any inspiration I just cant Blog. Anyway I guess Inspiration has come this week in the shape of a Christian stranger and an old friend.

I meet up with an old friend I had not seen for over 15 years. Straight away we started chatting about life and old times, people we know, and generally chilling out and having a laugh.

Then the next day I meet a guy who when I said I was a Christian he told me he was too, I cant say to much as I don't know this guy, but lets just say I believe God had a hand in us meeting.

This reminded me of the fact the bible tells us that God is the same today as he was years ago and will be the same forever. Just because we cant see it for ourselves doesn't mean he has forgotten us.

How many times have I heard "God? What god? Or "What has god ever done for me?". Well I for one have found myself saying that on more than one occasion. 

I've not blogged for ages and once again it's because I've been probably saying those statements recently. Infact just recently Its felt like God has ripped everything away. All the faith and hope I had was takes and lost in one foul swoop.

It's at this point  guessed the option was clear. Forget all of it and give up on life or dig in and hold on to the smallest of hope and put my trust in that guy that hasn't forgotten of swept you aside but has unbeknown by me been there to help keep you balanced as you walk on even the narrowest of edges.

Now I know a lot of non Christians read this and most that do seem to understand the reasoning behind the blog. However there are those that don't, there are those that mock it and those that see me as just nutty. But if your reading this, don't discount god when all goes bad, explore him and when you truly seek him you'll find him.

Friday, 13 June 2014


WWJD stands for what would Jesus do. A few years ago I heard about this being a question that many Christians where challenged to ask the self at one of those big event, and sometimes I find myself asking that same question.

I was at work and a police officer came into the shop asking if we had a ladder, we didn't but as a nosey nieghbour I had to look out the window to see why they may have needed one. Hey it's not a normal request from a police officer.

Looking out I saw the lady across the road sitting at her door looking very stressed and upset. I know the ladie has a drinking problem and is always running into difficult situations due to her drinking. As I looked out I noticed one police officer was trying to calm the lady as she sat upset on her door step.

I know from the past this lady doesn't like the police to much and wondered if I should go and see if she was ok. Then I thought maybe I should just leave them all to it as was none of my business and not my problem. That's when I thought about WWJD.

So, what would Jesus have done? Well I guess from the story's of him in the bible he would have gone to talk to the lady. He would have gone and offered the lady compassion and shown here respect. So at that moment I walk over to the lady that was sitting on her door step with her head in hands and looking very upset.

Some might say I should have ignored it, after all it wasn't my job to lend her support. It wasn'ty place to go and help. But for some reason I did. And I found a very upset, stressed and scared neighbour in need of a hug and a police officer in need of one of the ladies stiff drinks.

Sure I could of ignored it and got on with my Dailey schedual but I think it was my place to lend a hand. I was there not as a copper in uniform or a person wanting to moan at her, I was just there as a nieghbour to calm the lady and to be a friend.

A bit in the bible says something along the linds of when we give to charity we give to God, when we help others we help god as we are his hands and feet.

What would Jesus do? What Jesus does is shown compassion. What Jesus does is lend a hand or offer a listening ear!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Not Inspired

So after a long break from the blog I finally decided to do one. It's not that I've not wanted to, but just been struggling to get inspired to find anything worth blogging about.

People questioning where my blogs have gone and messaging me to write another hasn't really brought me much inspiration either. I'm chuffed some people like reading the blog and nearly 35000 hits to date is something I'm amazed about, but not boasting about.

I guess I believe that god uses us in a way we can't start to understand and like I've said before this blog was never intended by me to get so many reader. I have been through the numbers driven thing and at one time blogging was to get more hits and my own self rather than Gods.

So this blog is just simply to say thanks for reading and I will welcome any prayers for the blog to continue in the right way if that is to be the plan.

I have a few ideas of some video blogs that I will try and do in the comming months but as I say Its important to me the blog is for the right reasons, hey I may even learn to spell.

Any ideas welcome.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Neck Normination

The latest thing on the internet seems to be neck nomination which basically consists of people drinking pints in one, then nominating another 2 or 3 people to do the same. This is all videoed and placed on Facebook for all to see. 

This has been widely contested by people saying its dangerous and should be banned. Others on the other hand say it's just harmless fun.

I guess the danger comes when people try and out drink the one before and so on, but even if we say it's peer pressure is involved, it's still down to the actions of the individual. And I've seen many a pint being "necked" and have "necked" plenty myself and to be honest the only bad thing that happened was a bloated feeling and the possibility of a hang over the next day. 

I've not had a drink in over 3 years and to be honest I don't miss it. I'm not against alcohol, but maybe I see things people do (after a few beverages to many) is not really something to be proud of and mostly regret the next day. 

Though I'm not against the neck nominations, I do believe it's maybe a bit crazy and sadly people have taken it to far. This is to try and out do, or look bigger than the rest. 

For a time during rugby I used to wear a blue wristband that said "audience of one" on it. This was a Christian in sports wristband I had to remind me that I had nothing to prove and the only one person opinion mattered was God.

I would like to point out that didn't make me good or did it make me any less part of the team but was there to remind me that I didn't have to follow the crowd or try and be better than anyone else. 

As we strive to enjoy the neck nomination fad, remember that there is nothing to prove to anyone and it is more important to be true to ourselves and to God

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

God doesn't exist says dentist

Gideon's err!!! Towel???

Looking for answers and hearing from God is kind of a hard subject to tackle. I here so often about people that have heard gods voice or had something in side there head telling then to do or not to do something, and I find this hard to understand.

When we know that god exists, then the Devil must also exist. And knowing the devil can use our minds too, then surely things we hear in our heads can be the voice of God but also the Devil trying to send you the wrong way.

Now I have had things in my head and heard voices that seem to be instructing me too or not do things. Yes off course we all know right from wrong and of course this can be our sub conscience working however how can we be sure what we feel is speaking is actually that.

I've had something on my mind that could be God trying to speak to me but as past experiences have proved It could be totally wrong, so I tend to just ignore it. So how do I know if it's a divine message I should act on or a complete nonsense made up by my own crazy thoughts?

I then remembered Gideon, who put a fleece out one night to get conformation from god. The idea being that if it rained the fleece would stay dry while everything else was wet. The next morning the ground was soaked but the fleece was dry. Then because Gideon still didn't believe he did the same the next night but reversed the outcome. In the morning the fleece was dripping wet and everything else was bone dry.

So here's the thing. I decided I'd try and do the same thing (I don't have a fleece, so used a towel) I came up with the idea that if it worked all those years ago for Gideon the that same God could do it again. Ok to be honest it was maybe a shot in the dark and the answer was "unconclusive" as this morning the ground was we and the towel was fairly dry but not as dry as I'd expected. So I'll try again to see if it will be more obvious.

This is probably the craziest thing you have heard and I know it's probably not way god works but being told by someone else it's a stupid thing to do got me wondering. Surely if the creator of all things the made bushes set alight, parted the sea and make that fleece dry or wet all those years ago, then why would he not do it now.

Today we are all looking for answers to many life questions and some might say that if god is real why can he answer our prayers and questions. Why do some people here from god and some just don't. Maybe sometime we just have to lean to wait and know he makes all things perfect in his time not ours.