Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Donkey Journey

My dad tells a story about an old man and his son walking along the road from they're village into town with they're donkey. Now it was quite a long road and they where getting very tired and came across a traveller going the other way.

''You fools'' the traveller said. ''You are both walking and getting tired, why doesn't one of you ride on the donkey?''

So the old man tells his son to sit on the donkey. and a little further another traveller comes by. ''I cant believe this'' said the traveller, ''A young lad like you sitting on the donkey while your old father struggles, surly you can see this old man needs a rest''

So the young boy gets of and the the old man climbs on and they continue on the road.

again a traveller comes by this time shock that the old man would force the young lad to walk ''the donkey can carry you both into town, so why do you make the boy walk?''

So this time they both mount the donkey and continue towards town.

A frail old lady sitting at the side of the road stops the two sitting on the donkey. ''you two should be assumed of your selves'' says the lady. ''that poor animal has been carrying you and is tied, you should carry the poor thing into town for a rest''

So Again they lift the donkey and struggle into town.

once in town they realise everyone was laughing at them. The site of these two villagers carrying a donkey was to much and they started mocking them. ''Why have a donkey if all your going to do is carry it'' and ''you guys are crazy, surely you know the donkey is strong enough to carry you''

So whats the point of this story. Well my dad would always tell at the end something about you cant please all the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people some of the time.

To be honest I didn't really listen to the whole point of the story as as soon as dad started it i would switch off.

I guess what dad was trying to say was that in life you may do things that annoy people, you may do things that please people, or your may say things that divides people, and I guess this cant be changed.

How about we try (its not easy) to look to doing things that please God. Maybe ask yourself if you think god would approve. your always going to have people telling you different and always going to have people disagree. But if we look to Jesus and ask ourselves, what would he do? We may just start to be better people and have people seeing us differently.

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