I friend of mine ask on facebook for one of his prophetic friends to have a listen to Holy Spirit and let me know if you hear anything.
Now I don't know much about this stuff, but all I know is that God gives someone a vision and they tell you what that vision is.
I put on his status ''Can you ask the same for me rob'' and a friend of his (who I don't know, and he doesn't know me) replied to his request and also amazingly replied to mine too.
I asked him if I could add it here and he said I could. So this is what he sent me.
Gareth, I got a picture of you in an underground tunnel, really soily and dirty and moist and dark etc. U were crawling along on ur elbows and getting very mucky. I saw u then come to a part in the tunnel where there was a plank of wood vertically standing in the way if the tunnel blocking ur way. It was buried in the base and roof if the tunnel and u couldn't shift it. U also saw that it was rotting and decaying and you thought that if u moved it it may bring the tunnel and the soil down on you. I then saw u noticing the figure of Jesus approaching in the tunnel on the other side of the plank. He asks you if you're OK, then what u have done to try and move it, u say u can't move it because it's so tight in here u can't pull or push at it - he asks if u want help. He then attaches a rope around the wood and the back out of the tunnel leaving u there. U then see the rope tighten and then hear the wood snap and break and the whole tunnel in front if you collapses aid buried. As you look up u see light coming through and release the tunnel has collapsed on itself and before you know what to do you feel Jesus have grabbing yours and lifting u up into the sunshine and light and the smells and sounds of a beautiful forest teaming with life. U don't even take a second look at where you've come from, you just walk on with Him.
To me that has kind of made sense. the only thing is, Whats the plank of wood in my way? how do I move it? where should I be heading?
You may read these blogs with interest or you may just read them but think its all ''Nuts'' to me it doesn't matter. You may not even believe in all the stuff i write about again it doesn't matter.
The truth is there's a plank of wood in front of many of us (christian or non christian). So how we going to get that moved out of our way? can we do it alone? do we need help? I'm guessing we probably all need help to break it down.
So...... Who you gonna ask to help?
Gareth, you've asked what I think about this - so these are just my thoughts. Take what you want from them.
ReplyDeleteSometimes when people give a 'word of prophecy' it can strike right at the heart and be obvious. Others can seem way off base and are possibly more an attempt to sound super-spiritual then anything else. Then there's others somewhere in between - like this one for you perhaps.
I can't say what it means (if it means anything). I sense that you're not really sure either, particularly what the plank is supposed to represent. Maybe give it a few days to see if God is saying something to you about this picture. Ask a few others close to you if they can see in you something that is blocking you getting closer to Jesus.
What I would say is don't try forcing some meaning in to the picture just for the sake of "fulfilling" a prohetic word - or even just to be polite to the person who gave these words! If God is trying to tell you something and you're not getting it my guess is he'll keep trying.
All that said...I would echo the words of the psalmist (Psalm 139) as a prayer not just for you (or me!), but for any believer:
"Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
God bless you, mate. Keep blogging your thoughts!