This works because they are going to people and mixing with others that also share the interest and passion for motorbikes.
These Guys don't Go and preach to a load of bikers or go and put religion down their throat. They go and chat to others about biker stuff and many times the chance to share their faith arises.
It not about going and shouting at bikers telling them they are all doomed if they don't know Jesus, its about a presence.
They go out on their bikes to events and go out on days out together and can be seen clearly because on the cross they wear on the back of their bike jackets.
I think these guys are an inspiration to many Christians and none Christians as what they do is just stand out from the crowd, and I'm sure there are some that avoid them like the plague, but there are also a lot that approach them to chat.
Soon my church (Salvation Army) in Felixstowe are asking people to wear their uniforms to work on a certain day, or if they don't work just wear the uniform when going into town or to the supermarket, or just out meeting friends.
What I'm hoping to do is (if I can) is go round a see these guys in uniform and maybe get some reaction from work colleague's.
If your a christian what do you do to stand out from the crowd?
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