Thursday, 7 June 2012

Storm Clouds

It been a strange few weeks, the weather doesn't seem to know what its doing and I never know if i should put my shorts and t-shirt on or stick to thermal under ware.

I guess the Jubilee weekend weather was nothing to be surprised about as as soon as it was declared a 4 day weekend we all knew that rain was going to play a part.

My week has been pretty much like that. And unfortunately I seem to have more storm clouds than blue sky. Ive not been able to find the energy to work properly and seems that every evening is a case of sitting at home and falling asleep. then I wake up at about 10pm and find I cant sleep at night.

Ive also been struggling to find anything to blog about. I try and do my blogs so people can associate themselves with what I write, but this week Ive felt so low I really didn't want to depress everyone.

However I was watching UCB the other night and a guy on there talking about sharing experience and faith with others. He basically said that the really hard points in life can be shared as much as the good points, and if you get to those bad points then the bad points become good and great ministry to share with the world and bring hope.

So I sat at home welling up as the man spoke and as I keep having this repeated voice in my head and thing happening to me that seem to point in the same direction.
Now if I wasn't so mixed up at the moment I would maybe act on it but I'm still trying to ignore it as I'm sure its my head making stuff up. but the point is what ever I'm going through right now I'm doing all I can to trust in god.
You see when those storm clouds are over head and you cant see the end of the storm putting your trust In god gives hope, gives faith and helps to get to the light, and the sunshine will shine through.
''I'm Trusting in God, as in God all thing are possible.''

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