Thursday, 29 August 2013

Learn Before Judgeing

One of my downfalls is picking wholes in people and having a good old moan about others. This could be anything from people believes to the way they Drive. The old saying that says people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Sadly we all at some times feel the need to moan or pick wholes in the way people do things, but lets be honest, non of us are perfect and people have different ideas and different ways at looking at things.

Chatting to a friend who was brought up in a Catholic home I stated that I find Catholic belief hard to line up with Christian Faith. I went on and said Praying to Mary and confessing to a priest doesn't line up with pray to one God and the way to the father is threw the son (Jesus).

I found myself almost Questioning the Catholic faith and moaning about the way they do things. then my friend started to explain that they don't pray to Mary, what they do is pray to god, but hale Mary was more a symbol of asking saints and angels, and others in heaven to pray for them to. (Almost asking the whole of heaven for prayers).

I then was told that it wasn't massively important to attend confession, as the bible says only Jesus can forgive us from sin and died on the cross to do so. the confession box where you can confess your sins to a priest is almost another symbolic thing where people can hear they have been forgiven rather than just knowing.

Maybe its time to start looking into other peoples reasons for doing things rather than picking holes and deciding they are wrong and you are right. The world is full of people with different views on all sorts of subjects and every person has made choices for different reasons. I'm not saying we have to agree with everyone, but we can try and respect others and us and them have the ability to change.
''If you live in a glass house and throw stones, then you going to have a constant window repair bill. Maybe its time stop throwing stones and start cleaning the windows''

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