Wednesday, 21 August 2013

What is a Christian?

The other day I was chatting to a friend who said that the bible is written by humans so can never be believed as truth.

I found it hard that another Christian was suggesting that they didn't believe that Jesus could have possibly been born to a virgin mother, or that he could raise from the dead.

I suggested that as a Christian surly these two major points in the bible must be believed by all Christian people as they are the fundamental events on which we place our belief (without going to far into depth on a philosophical discussion)

This got me thinking, What makes a Christian?

This could be Answered in John 11:25 when Jesus said "I  am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me will never die". Maybe this isn't the whole answer, and I'm sure someone somewhere will what to add to it but I think its a simple explanation.

Trouble with all explanations is there is always going to be simple thinking. and just because you may believe I God doesn't mean you will go to heaven.

here's a better explanation....

So Is it enough to believe?
I'm not so sure it is. See to me things it tells us in the bible should be believed too. One of these is That Christians should attend Church (Church being a group of Christians, not a building)
It tells us that attending church and meeting with other Christians to share and listen to help strengthen faith and to work together for Gods good. That's not saying that going to church makes you a Christian in any way shape or form.
OK I'm not a model Christian, and I'm not always on the right path. but I would like to think that with Jesus in my life he will help direct me in choices and I would try my best to seek his will.
Christianity isn't about Perfect people, do gooders or bible bashing nutters. Its not always about Reading the bible (I listen to Christian Radio that helps with this)
And it definitely isn't about putting C of E on a form where it asks for your Religion.
Like I say, I am far from being a model Christian and there are some things I hope to change in my life. but I do believe God listens and wants to use me in time. And I also believe he has the best waiting for all of us.

So what do Christians do? ok I know what many think... they go round with tamborines singing and giving out leaflets, ask for money to fix the roof and shove the bible down you throat till you blue in the face. "Right?".... Wrong.

Sure this is a good description of some, and I do think that there is a time and a place for preaching and collecting money, or shoving the bible in people faces. but I also believe that there is a more important Job a Christian should try and do and that's know that God will create opotunities to tell others about Him, and even then its not about preaching or trying to prove, its about telling others about you experiences and why you believe.

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