Thursday, 29 August 2013

Trust to Succeed

As a rugby coach I occasionally have to attend coaching days with the RFU. This can be a full day in the class room or a full practical day out on the field leaning new ideas and ways to make rugby more fun.

Yesterday I had to drive to Wymondham Rugby Club for a mix session to learn a newish concept of ''Student lead'' Coaching.

The idea is to allow students to make up their own game giving them a criteria, this could be to improve any part of Rugby or general character development.

For me, I find this hard to grasp but as a RFU coach I guess I should follow and trust the guidance of the more qualified and go along with this idea.

Trusting sometimes is really hard, taking advice sometimes can be a real challenge, but sometimes we have to take the advise and trust others to direct us to a better option.

Disciples on the sea of Galilee where having a nightmare one day when they where out fishing. Along came Jesus and shouted out to them '' throw you nets over the other side of the boat..... I guess the fishermen looked at Jesus and thought the guy was joking, Why would that make any difference.

But the disciples knew Jesus and had seen him do quite a bit of amazing stuff so decided that Trusting this almost pointless advise could harm an already rubbish fishing trip.

The rest is history, they followed the advice and pulled in the biggest catch ever.

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