Saturday, 28 July 2012

There seems to be a buzz around the country today as people are talking about last nights Opening Ceremony.

It didn't disappoint. Starting in the past and moving fluently into the future. It was full of colour, music and laughter, and all done in a way to highlight all that is good about Britain.

The ending of the ceremony saw the flame being lite and the question on everyones lips where who would light the flame and where was it?
Then we saw David Beckham driving a speed boat and handing the flame over to Sir Steve Redgrave who brought the flame into the Stadium. Then the Twist...

Redgrave handed the Flame to 7 young up and coming Athletes that had been chosen by 7 past Olympic medallists. then we watched a the seven young athletes lite the flame together.

It was the point in the evening that had been kept a secret and after all the questions and guessing which great Olympian or sports man would light the Olympic flame everyone was surprised when 7 future athletes where given the Honor.

What a great start to the Games. Looking to the future rather than looking back to whats already gone.

It can be so easy to look back at our lives and think of all the bad time its just as easy to look ahead and see bad time coming. Remember Jeremiah 29; 11 and 12? it tells us that God has a plan for good and the future is in his hands and trust and faith is all part of looking forward and knowing that there are good times ahead.

The London Game have pledge to leave a legacy, what a great challenge to all of us to try and look forward and leave our own legacy.

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