Tuesday, 31 July 2012

London 2012 - Day 3

Another event I'm not designed to to is gymnastics, and yesturday I enjoyed watching the men gymnastics which proved to be exciting from the moment it started. And the drama at the end of the event saw GB Men come away with a bronze.

While we where enjoying the events unfold, and other close resalts throughout the day the Olympic officals had there own drama going on......

After all the problems with surcurity leading up to London 2012 we all knew the security plans where going to be underpreasure form the medis.

It didnt help when a woman was seen walking around the track with the athletes who shouldnt have been there. She was walking with Team India and to be honest stuck out like a saw thumb as she walked round smiling and waving to the crowd. Then to make things worse for the surcurity people at the games someone lost a set of keys part of the venue. I did have views of some angry wieght lifting ladies queing up outside the building needing the toilet.

But the saddest news came when I heard that Tom Dailey (18) had recieved a message on twitter. He was tipped to do well in the sincrinise diving but sadly the GB duo did 1 bad dive and finished forth in that event.

Tom recieved a twitter from someone saying he had let his dad (who died last year) down. Its a sad time when people have to atack others when people have done something amazing.

Sadly in this day and age its one thing surcurity cant protect and so many young athletes ''Tweet'' giving follows a insite of behind the sceens and the chance to feel part of the athletes journey. But sometimes it also leaves the door open for attack.

when I do these blogs I know that I open myself up for attack and thank God Ive only had a small number of messages that have tried to knock me down and say that what I blog is nonsence. I guess sometimes it is but these messages i try to turn into influense to try and do better next time.

 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

 Proverbs 29:25

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