Thursday, 26 July 2012

Seeds Grow

The other day me and the boys planted some seeds. Edwards hands where to small to plant the seeds individually so he decided to tip the whole packet into the pot. I spreaded them around a bit and covered them up and watered them.

After we had done this I realised that I wasn't sure which seeds he had planted (oops) so until we see and crops grow its going to be a guess at cherry tomatoes. Ben planted beans so I know what to expect.

I water the seeds regually and they are growing well and I can wait to see what comes in a month or so, but until we see the fruit of our labour we will just have to hope the plants grow well and produce something good.

Its and obvious blog but I think its worth writing cause right now I'm trying to sow seeds in my life and at this point all my seeds are in the hands of God.

I don't know what the fruit is or how well they will grow but sometimes you have to just leave it up to God and know the fruits will be good.

Somethings that have happened these past days have got me thinking and wondering if its God growing the seeds or the devil growing the weeds.

Ever heard the saying ''Dont put all your eggs in one basket''? Well Just like Edward tipped all the seeds into one pot I have tipped all mine into Gods hands.

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