Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thy Will, not My Will

Today is a low day. Ive had a great 7 or days but today is just one of those days where I cant seem to see the woods through the trees.

Over the past week I have been trying to get though each day in three parts (Morning, Afternoon then evening) and it seems the norm to not make any plans as I don't know what the afternoon will bring or what ill feel like in the morning.

So what do we do to lift ourselves up from the down times? Well I think all that is keeping me going at the moment is FAITH.

I am waiting on some news and praying its the news I want, but I know after praying and thinking out what could be, I know that its in Gods hands.

Other things I'm praying for also has to be in Gods hands as I know God wants the best for me and I know his way is the best and only way to go.

If the news isn't what I hope I know that its not what Gods wants and there is something better plan to wait for.

OK why am I telling you all this? Because this morning I sat in the Garden before work and just wanted to cry. Just then I felt as if the was someone pushing down on my shoulders and was as if the weight of the world was stopping me from moving. I Prayed and i felt the weight slowly ease and although I could still feel weight on my shoulders I could manage it.

When we pray, sometimes we pray for things we want to happen and that's OK. But Jesus taught us how to pray and he said when we pray, pray for Thy will to be done
not MY will be done.

If we pray and ask for Gods will to be done, we know that we can look forward to great things. This is done by following him and knowing that he know whats best.

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