Tuesday, 24 July 2012

''The end is nigh''

This isn't a ''the end is nigh'' blog, although it makes a good title. Its a blog that marks the end. Not the end of the blog (though I'm sure you all hope it was). Its the end of a long waiting period.

Six years ago the UK learnt that London was to host the 2012 Olympic Games. This Friday is the opening of the Games and the long long time of waiting will finally end and we will seeing the work of planning and hopefully enjoy what we all hope is a great Games.

We have watched the Torch travel round the country and seen the Stadium and Olympic village take shape. In fact, thousands of people have already been lucky enough to watch the rehearsal of the opening ceremony and have all been asked to keep it a secret.

Is it all going to be worth the wait? is it going to be money well spent?

I am one of the most inpatient people ever and I always want to know news I'm waiting for, or always got to know what inside a present. but the trouble is being inpatients that the excitement is short lived.

I know that God has a plan for me and although I know he has promised me ''plans for good'' and has a future planned out for me, I cant stop myself from trying to guess it or force it.

God does work for good and even great is what I am expecting from god. But I cant do anything about it. Or can I?

Being open to God and trusting him is the best way to be while waiting for Gods plans are put into play. And don't be disappointed if its not what your expecting or hoping for as God has much better ready for you.

Remember Pray, Trust and stay open to him. Remeber It say in the Bible ''God make every to work for good''. This means be patient and look to him for he hasnt left you. And the end of the waiting is nigh.

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