Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Simon Guillebaud - Star Fish

London 2012 - Day 3

Another event I'm not designed to to is gymnastics, and yesturday I enjoyed watching the men gymnastics which proved to be exciting from the moment it started. And the drama at the end of the event saw GB Men come away with a bronze.

While we where enjoying the events unfold, and other close resalts throughout the day the Olympic officals had there own drama going on......

After all the problems with surcurity leading up to London 2012 we all knew the security plans where going to be underpreasure form the medis.

It didnt help when a woman was seen walking around the track with the athletes who shouldnt have been there. She was walking with Team India and to be honest stuck out like a saw thumb as she walked round smiling and waving to the crowd. Then to make things worse for the surcurity people at the games someone lost a set of keys part of the venue. I did have views of some angry wieght lifting ladies queing up outside the building needing the toilet.

But the saddest news came when I heard that Tom Dailey (18) had recieved a message on twitter. He was tipped to do well in the sincrinise diving but sadly the GB duo did 1 bad dive and finished forth in that event.

Tom recieved a twitter from someone saying he had let his dad (who died last year) down. Its a sad time when people have to atack others when people have done something amazing.

Sadly in this day and age its one thing surcurity cant protect and so many young athletes ''Tweet'' giving follows a insite of behind the sceens and the chance to feel part of the athletes journey. But sometimes it also leaves the door open for attack.

when I do these blogs I know that I open myself up for attack and thank God Ive only had a small number of messages that have tried to knock me down and say that what I blog is nonsence. I guess sometimes it is but these messages i try to turn into influense to try and do better next time.

 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

 Proverbs 29:25

Monday, 30 July 2012

London 2012 - Day 2 (Be Yourself)

After a disappointing first day Team GB managed a bronze and silver on day 2.

The Bronze Medal was won in the swimming pool by Rebecca Adlington who won two gold medals in 2008.

The Drop from Gold to bronze may seem a disappointing result, but not for Rebecca as she stated when she won Gold in Beijing it was a massive surprise, and to win bronze was a great achievement.

Her main event is the 800m Freestyle and to win a Bronze in the 400m freestyle in 2012 was an amazing thing and looks good for the 800m later this week.

Have we put too much pressure on our Olympians? after the Olympics in 2008 the medal count was 19 Gold, 13 Silver and 15 Bronze for Team GB and left us 4th in the medals table. I guess we should hope for beating that total but are we expecting to much?

We can all tend expect to much at times and there is nothing wrong with that as God does in fact promise life in all it fullness, but putting pressure on ourselves to do well and be more successful sometimes brings us down.

We all have faults and can not all be good at sport, we cant all be good at music, we cant all be good at everything. What we can do is be the best at being ourselves because we are the only person that can do that.

God doesn't measure success by how much money you have, how good at sport you are or how many times you read the bible (which is good for me as I have no money, rubbish at sport, and don't read the bible as often as I should).

What God does do is help you to be yourself and gives you a pride in yourself that is far greater than winning Gold. He made you you, and that's what he wants you to be as he can work with that. he doesnt need you to be anything else.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

London 2012 - Day 1

So the busy first official Day of the Games is underway and already we have seen Surprises and excitement, even a couple of records.

Yep, its looking to be a good games and the bar has been set as we await the first Team GB medal.

One story of the day was the disappointing GB result in the Cycling. The spot light was on the GB cyclists and they where tipped for gold but didn't manage to even get in to the front group. I know nothing about the tactics of Cycling but from what I could work out it seemed the rest of the field didn't want Team GB to get even close.

As I could tell at the end of the race it seemed that the GB cyclists where saying that the other racers where all against them and instead of trying to win they where more concerned about making sure the GB guys didn't.

Some people always seem to want to put others down and some even team up against others. We can also be our own worst enemy, putting our self down, or trying to put others down.

course its hard always try and be positive to yourself or others, and we all gossip about others or look down on them. But try and run the race the way it should be run. Not holding others back because all that does is stop yourself from winning.

There seems to be a buzz around the country today as people are talking about last nights Opening Ceremony.

It didn't disappoint. Starting in the past and moving fluently into the future. It was full of colour, music and laughter, and all done in a way to highlight all that is good about Britain.

The ending of the ceremony saw the flame being lite and the question on everyones lips where who would light the flame and where was it?
Then we saw David Beckham driving a speed boat and handing the flame over to Sir Steve Redgrave who brought the flame into the Stadium. Then the Twist...

Redgrave handed the Flame to 7 young up and coming Athletes that had been chosen by 7 past Olympic medallists. then we watched a the seven young athletes lite the flame together.

It was the point in the evening that had been kept a secret and after all the questions and guessing which great Olympian or sports man would light the Olympic flame everyone was surprised when 7 future athletes where given the Honor.

What a great start to the Games. Looking to the future rather than looking back to whats already gone.

It can be so easy to look back at our lives and think of all the bad time its just as easy to look ahead and see bad time coming. Remember Jeremiah 29; 11 and 12? it tells us that God has a plan for good and the future is in his hands and trust and faith is all part of looking forward and knowing that there are good times ahead.

The London Game have pledge to leave a legacy, what a great challenge to all of us to try and look forward and leave our own legacy.

Friday, 27 July 2012

2000 Eric Moussambani


Opening Ceremony Day.

So today the Olympics get underway and we get to see what all the fuss is about. The athletes are just about ready to walk behind there flags and thinking of there first event. (apart from the football that's already started - well I guess we can forgive them for not understanding the concept of OPENING Ceremony)

One thing with Olympics is that you can always be sure of a surprise. Remember Eric the Eel or Eddie the Eagle Edwards (Winter Games) Some people are competing with the thought of winning far from possible and the taking part is just a dream about to come reality.

I would love the London Games to be remembered for one of those great story's. and already there has been drama as the officials showed the South Korean Flag when North Korea where warming up for the football.

I thought I would try and do some blogs over the next few weeks based on the Olympics. I though it would be good to share my thoughts on the event that unfold and try and make the Olympics more interesting for myself.

Ill be watching as much as possible and trying to blog about it, and there are some event I'm looking forward to... Shot Putt (was going to try out for this but realised it wasn't a tennis ball they throw), Rugby, Diving and Ladies Beech Volley Ball (weather permitting)

The flame will be entering the stadium later after its epic journey from Athens, around the UK and finally to the Olympic flame will light up the main beacon to burn throughout the Games. So I'm thinking ill try and and do the same.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Seeds Grow

The other day me and the boys planted some seeds. Edwards hands where to small to plant the seeds individually so he decided to tip the whole packet into the pot. I spreaded them around a bit and covered them up and watered them.

After we had done this I realised that I wasn't sure which seeds he had planted (oops) so until we see and crops grow its going to be a guess at cherry tomatoes. Ben planted beans so I know what to expect.

I water the seeds regually and they are growing well and I can wait to see what comes in a month or so, but until we see the fruit of our labour we will just have to hope the plants grow well and produce something good.

Its and obvious blog but I think its worth writing cause right now I'm trying to sow seeds in my life and at this point all my seeds are in the hands of God.

I don't know what the fruit is or how well they will grow but sometimes you have to just leave it up to God and know the fruits will be good.

Somethings that have happened these past days have got me thinking and wondering if its God growing the seeds or the devil growing the weeds.

Ever heard the saying ''Dont put all your eggs in one basket''? Well Just like Edward tipped all the seeds into one pot I have tipped all mine into Gods hands.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thy Will, not My Will

Today is a low day. Ive had a great 7 or days but today is just one of those days where I cant seem to see the woods through the trees.

Over the past week I have been trying to get though each day in three parts (Morning, Afternoon then evening) and it seems the norm to not make any plans as I don't know what the afternoon will bring or what ill feel like in the morning.

So what do we do to lift ourselves up from the down times? Well I think all that is keeping me going at the moment is FAITH.

I am waiting on some news and praying its the news I want, but I know after praying and thinking out what could be, I know that its in Gods hands.

Other things I'm praying for also has to be in Gods hands as I know God wants the best for me and I know his way is the best and only way to go.

If the news isn't what I hope I know that its not what Gods wants and there is something better plan to wait for.

OK why am I telling you all this? Because this morning I sat in the Garden before work and just wanted to cry. Just then I felt as if the was someone pushing down on my shoulders and was as if the weight of the world was stopping me from moving. I Prayed and i felt the weight slowly ease and although I could still feel weight on my shoulders I could manage it.

When we pray, sometimes we pray for things we want to happen and that's OK. But Jesus taught us how to pray and he said when we pray, pray for Thy will to be done
not MY will be done.

If we pray and ask for Gods will to be done, we know that we can look forward to great things. This is done by following him and knowing that he know whats best.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

''The end is nigh''

This isn't a ''the end is nigh'' blog, although it makes a good title. Its a blog that marks the end. Not the end of the blog (though I'm sure you all hope it was). Its the end of a long waiting period.

Six years ago the UK learnt that London was to host the 2012 Olympic Games. This Friday is the opening of the Games and the long long time of waiting will finally end and we will seeing the work of planning and hopefully enjoy what we all hope is a great Games.

We have watched the Torch travel round the country and seen the Stadium and Olympic village take shape. In fact, thousands of people have already been lucky enough to watch the rehearsal of the opening ceremony and have all been asked to keep it a secret.

Is it all going to be worth the wait? is it going to be money well spent?

I am one of the most inpatient people ever and I always want to know news I'm waiting for, or always got to know what inside a present. but the trouble is being inpatients that the excitement is short lived.

I know that God has a plan for me and although I know he has promised me ''plans for good'' and has a future planned out for me, I cant stop myself from trying to guess it or force it.

God does work for good and even great is what I am expecting from god. But I cant do anything about it. Or can I?

Being open to God and trusting him is the best way to be while waiting for Gods plans are put into play. And don't be disappointed if its not what your expecting or hoping for as God has much better ready for you.

Remember Pray, Trust and stay open to him. Remeber It say in the Bible ''God make every to work for good''. This means be patient and look to him for he hasnt left you. And the end of the waiting is nigh.


Anyone ever had a drain blockage? If you have then you know about the smell that comes with blocked drains.

There just been a study done of Drains and stuff like Quality where looked out throughout the UK. There was also a list of things found in the underground system and LEGO bricks were found in there thousands.

So what do we do to help keep the drains Clean or in a good condition? Probably not allot. If the Drains block we then try and unblock them but many times we end up calling out DYNO-ROD to unblock the drains and get rid of the smell.

Like many things we only seem to need DYNO ROD when we get a blocked drain. The rest of the time we just assume the drains are OK and forget about the underground net work of drains beneath our feet.

Should we maintain the drains, after all they say preventions better than cure. Should we have someone to pop by 2 or 3 times a year to jet wash the drains to keep them clean and reduce the need of call out charges.

When life is good and things seem to be going great it is easy to forget God. It is easy to go through life forgetting God and all he does. Sometimes we may even forget to pray or read the bible.

When things go wrong, what do we do? we Pray and ask God to help (and he will) as we know God will never leave your side.

How about in the good times we try and praise God and thank him each day for ''being there'' because we know in the bad times he wants to help.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Walk On Water

I imagine we have all heard the story of Jesus Walking on Water. Its one of the most famous events in the bible. What happened that day was one of Jesus unbelivable acts, and many (even in recent times) have tried to prove it was a trick and that it can be done.

At the time of this event the disiples where in a boat (fishing or something) and a storm hit and they feared for there life. Suddenly they saw a figure Walking on top of the sea they watched as the figure walk over waves breaking around them.

Suddenly they saw it was Jesus and almost seemed as if he hadn't seen them. In fact they could see that Jesus seemed to be walking straight past them.

They called out ''Jesus, please help we are in trouble''. Jesus looked towards them and started to walk toward the boat. Jesus calmed the storm and all was well.

That day Jesus didn't go straight to the boat to be the super hero, he just made sure he was near. It wasn't until the disciples call out to him that he came to help.

How many people find times that they need help and say ''if there was a God, why doesn't he help me''. It easy to think that when bad things happen, illness, bad accidents, death of Friends or family, that there is no God and it really is just made up by a load of weird people.

My Question would have to be, have you called out to Jesus? have you asked him to Help. Remember? When we seek him whole heartedly we will find him.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Some Great Daily Readings.


A Different Perspective

Hands Up! I Was Wrong.

Those that know me will know I'm awkward and sometime find the need to disagree with people just because I'm wrong.

Ive sometimes looked a church Rules as Crazy (and some are) but I have since learnt that the church is a Group of people and some of the rules set out have to be lenient to suit different needs.

Ive not really ever given Salvation Army officers much time and maybe always looked at them as authority figures and maybe not one of the church goers. OK tongue in check Ive joked about stuff to do with there work and always said it an easy job (only having to work on a Sunday) but actually its a full time (sometimes 24 hours a day life style)

Now, when are South African officers decided to do a major revamp of the hall, I said it was a stupid idea. Ive also almost kept them at arms length being ''Officers'' and maybe Ive always been jealous of people that do that type of work as it work Id Love to be able to do.

Well ''Hands Up'' Alaster and Cathleen are 2 of the nicest people Ive meet and in the last 6 months have been there when I needed them. The work they do and the commitment they have is inspiring and has really meant a lot to me.

Sad thing is that they leave town today to go onto another town. So thought Id write this blog today so they couldn't have a go at me for it.

I guess sometimes its hard to stick our hands up and admit we where totally wrong and sometimes we have to listen to others and see both sides.

Is there someone you disagree with. Well try and look at there ideas and maybe there's a point you missing or if you listen to them there maybe a compromise.

Good Luck to the Versfeld Family you will be missed here but we know God has work for you in Peterbourgh.

Oh and you won me over which is a another result from your time here. Hope your to see you soon. and if I get a chance for England v South Africa ticket later this year I let you know.

Monday, 16 July 2012


So the weekends over and Monday is here, the rest of the week is starring us in the face and Friday seems light years away. The 9 - 5 job seems to be dragging you down or the shift pattern is getting in the way of good times.

Yep, Mondays can get you down. But Monday could be the start of a great week ahead, after all Tomorrow is Tuesday and then tomorrow will Wednesday and already halfway through the week.

The saying is your glass half empty or half full is the best way to look at it. If its half empty then it must be half full and if you've enjoyed it then you have more to enjoy. If its Half empty and you haven't like the taste of it you could fill it with something else.

Is your life Half empty? if it is then there also much more to look forward too and if you feel the need to try something different then you have the chance to try other things.

We all can look at life as half empty. Same old day to day routine, same old job, same old place. Or we could look at it all as half full and and the chance to fill it with better things.

A friend share a prayer with me call Desiderata and in that it says....

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Take Pride in yourself and know that God wants better for all of us and that better is even better than we want. So look at Monday as being the beginning of a week that is full of surprises and full of change.

The end of the Poem says...

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

What Goes on Tour.....

The Rugby Rule

Unwritten rule and most important of rugby tour rules is...


So I'm not going to start tell you all about funny event on tour, or stolen trophy's. Or about the time the one Tourer got kidnapped by a girls hockey team or even about the time someone fell asleep in the baby changing area at the ferry terminal and didn't actually get on tour.

So why does this rule exist? Because rugby tours can be a little wild and I guess some stuff that goes on is best forgot or just to be remembered by the people that toured. Because a rugby tourer is part of a greater family full of trust and respect, and sometimes times shared on tour is better shared with those that where on tour.

The Christian Rule

''For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit''
John 3:34

Don't worry guys, I'm nit going to now say confess all, or may you sins be forgiven. But I am going to say that as Christian's what God does in our lives is to be shared and talked about.

God gives us all the gift of ministry, in all sorts of different ways. Once again its about trusting God and trying to live in a way he wants us to live.

The Most Powerful way to tell people about God is to show his love through our actions and what we say. Sadly that is also the hardest way.

Gods word, The acts of Jesus, the christian Message and the testimony's of people around the world today should be Shared and talked about because its no secret. People are looking for Christ today and to find him is so easy because we are all given the gift of minesty and as long as its for the good of god then it is also unlimited.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Feed The Passion

Every now and then we find ourselves in a place that starts to bore us, things just seem to be the same day in day out. Some times we need to have a bit of a change, a holiday or day out on even just do something a bit different. Like they say, a change is as good as a rest.

I quite often take my sons for a walk in the woods. Now after a couple of visits the woods start becoming a bit dull and the trees start looking the same. So once when I took them in to the woods I said we where going to search for fairy's and the fairy's tree house. I knew in that woods there was a tree with small windows and s door carved into it and new it would make the fairy thing more real.

The next time we went we played pooh sticks and the boys love throwing sticks into the water and disappearing into a tunnel and running to the other end to see it come out.

Another time we came across a stream so I told them we needed to build a bridge to get across.Then one day it started to spit with rain so I suggested we made a shelter an  the boys loved making a little shelter to sit in for a while.

These things make a dull trip to the woods that much more exciting and we always seem to find new ways to create an adventure while there.

being a christian can sometimes get a little dull, and sometimes our faith will seem to get smaller as we go day to day in our lives. However Just like finding new things in the woods to make it more exciting and more to learn, we can do this in our christian lives.

Reading the bible is a great way of learning more about Jesus and finding out more about events in his life. Its a great way to maybe look forward to tomorrow and be encouraged that God wants the best for us.

I'm finding that I sometimes have a feeling of staleness I my faith. But do you know what, reading and learning about the bible just a little bit per day helps to lift and refresh your faith. Just like we feed the hungry we need to feed the passion.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

The Faith in Choice

I spent some time with a christian couple, we had a great meal then sat over coffee and chatted about Christian stuff and a story from the bible stood out for me.Once again its about trust and trying to see a brighter future that God promises. 

recently I have been trying to get my head around the fact I am having to sell the house, and moving into the flat above my shop was not an option I wanted to accept. and having to find the strength to improve the business and to put house on the Market has been hard, and other things are even harder.

Why would after having this lovely house and good life has it suddenly been taken from me?...... then I heard this bible story...

Once again I'm not great at remembering the whole story or details but basically these 2 guys found themselves at a point where they had to separate and choose different directions.

Now one direction was full of lush green plants and the other was a dry sandy plan as far as the eye could see. I guess its obvious which was the best way to go right? and God said to these guys ''Choose which way each of you will go, choose who is going left and who is going right''

The first guy was confused and he knew he wanted to go towards the lush green area and he new he would find a way to survive. But he didn't suggest that and waited for the other guy to talk.

The other guy looked up to God and said ''I don't Care which way I go''. The first guy couldn't believe his luck and new he could take the side which looked lush and full of life and ran off towards the trees.

The other guy stood and looked at the desert and the harsh environment in front of him and slowly walked forward towards the dry hot horizon.

So, Why did this guy not care about which way he went? Because he knew and Trusted in God and new that God would provide and even though things in front of him seem to be at its worse he knew that god would give him all he needed and more.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Friday, 6 July 2012


Ive been introduced in the past few days to a guy in the Bible named Jobe (spelt Job).

It turns out that this guy was a pretty rich chap with a good life and a family and was respected by many people.

Now Job went through a time in his life where he was striped of everything he had his wife died followed by his children and he had all of his cattle taken from him and all the people turned against him.

Now god had a plan for Job and sat back and watch the Devil strip Job of everything he had. So Why did this happen? and why did God Sit back and watch Job's life get in to such a bad situation?

God hadn't left Job, but sat in the background to watch over him and ensure he had the strength to cope with all the hard stuff.

You see God had a plan up his sleeve and wanted to prove that however much the Devil and people attacked Job, and struck him down God would always be there with his ''Plans for Good''.

What happened next to Job was he became liked by others and became even richer than he was before. He found a new wife and had a new family.

God hadn't left Job but was there ready to defeat the evil. And god new that Job would be OK and this was a way of god showing his power and proof that he will always win.

Its easy to blame god for all the bad stuff that happens in our lives but we all make choices that can sometimes change Gods Plan, but though they might change they will always be plans for good and maybe even better.

I'm not sure this is a 100% accurate description of Job but what it does is prove that God will always want the best for us and when we trust him we know that's the way forward.