Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Marys Faith

So what you hoping to get on Christmas Day? I new pair of slippers? An iPhone?

We have so many things we would like bit to be honest if we had everything we wanted we wouldn't have much to look forward too would we.

What about those times when we have nothing to look forward to, everything we had and ever wanted gets taken from you and the future looks bleak.

We probably just find it easier to give up, and just let every last bit of hope be ripped from us.

Things can happen in our lives that just seem to rip our world apart. I'm sure many Christians have looked to God and shouted ''Why me!''. As much as we try we just cant seem to see any good in the future.

It was over 2000 years ago when a young girl called Mary was sitting at home doing her every day chores when she was suddenly told she was pregnant and she was going to have a son and she was to name him Jesus. What must have gone through her head. She was a virgin at the time and Sex out of wedlock was a massively shameful thing.

We all know what happened next. And I'm not talking Shepherd's and kings. I'm talking blind men seeing, feeding 5000 and resurrection. The worry and stress that Mary felt would soon turn to Love and Pride as she had given birth to The Son of God.

We cant always see Gods plans and most of the time we cant even imagine them, but how ever bad things get, however bad seem, God promises the best. Mary couldn't see it at the time I'm sure, even with an angle coming down to tell her. She must have needed to dig deep for her faith and it paid of as God delivered his every promise.

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