Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Tea towel and crook

My three year old was a King in the Sunday School Christmas play and my seven year old was a camera man of all thing, you know that part of the Christmas story? ... Nope Nor me.
Anyway when I was a boy I never made it past being a shepherd,. Every year there I was with tea towel on head and staff in hand in amongst the other many shepherds that didn't make it to a king or Joseph. 

The Kings brought Gifts (that reminds me I was the back end of a camel once at school) Gold... and some other stuff, What did a shepherd bring? Well one lucky Shepherd got to take a Lamb into the stable (not me) but what goods a lamb to a New born King. OK, it may have been a tasty treat for a hungry carpenter but that's about it. Even the Angels got net curtain wings and a tinsel halo.

So what did the Shepherd do? Well they where in the fields looking after the sheep. They where probably not even they re own sheep as some rich bloke would have been paying them to look after them for him.
The angels appeared to them and told them about this new king.

The angle had appeared to Mary and Joseph then to the shepherds. Which I guess made the shepherd pretty important in Gods eyes. Even the Wise men (with their gifts and crowns) had to follow a star. but the shepherds got angles.

You know, I didn't really want to be a King. I didn't actually want  to be a shepherd either. Id have been happy watching but even then Id have been important cause I'm sure you cant give a message to an empty church (that's a blog for 2013)

God sent the Angels to the Shepherds, The working men on the hill. Not the Kings or the rich Land owners, he sent them to the Shepherds. Why?: because The Baby born that night was the Son of God, The Savior of men, he had come to give Everyone Life in all its Fullness.

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