Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Waiting for God?

God works in so many ways to accomplish what he sets out to do. To work his plans for good... He is a master at it.

Look at me, a church goer that maybe just didn't quite see the whole picture so it too a massive event in my life to start understanding him.

Another guy brought up in a Christian home. Turned against church and took up a life of football violence. After being band from his local club and speeding time in jail, he is now Chaplin there and also a prison Chaplin.

Another is a woman that spent years on drugs and making money on the streets as a sex worker to feed her habits, now works on the streets as a Christian aid worker trying to be a friend to the prostitutes that still work there today.

God just doesn't pick out a few people in a crowd and say " you'll do" he chooses everyone no matter what they have done. He just waits in the dark waiting for us to call him up.

The world is full of story's about how god transforms lives. Sometime he even excels in taking even the most scars souls and uses them in a way we can't imagine.

How could god use you in 2013. Think about it and while you do think about it remember he is waiting for you to call him.

If your waiting for god, remember he is is already there waiting for you with a pla

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