Remember the Film ''The Mask''? one Jim Carey's perfect roles where he plays a dull Guy working 9 till five, and generally finding it hard to but a little bit of fun in his life.
Then he stumbles upon a mask that turns out to have magic powers. When he puts on the mask it turns him into a quite outrages charictor.
When Jim Carey sticks on the mask he becomes a new person. It takes him to places he never thought he would go, and allows him to meet people he would never have met and even allows him to do things he never thought possible.
.After all these great things had happened he began to realise that the person in the mask was not the person he wanted to be. It almost became an addiction to but the mask on to create excitement and become someone that he wasn't.
How many Masks do we put on in the course of a week? We May wear a different mask at work or school than we do at home. We may even wear a mask in in the company of than than and a different one when with another friend.
God didn't create us with a mask, we seem to make up these masks to suit our situation. I could even say it just human nature, but maybe we need to throw those masks away and be proud of who we are and how God created us.
Any Masks we wear maybe there cause we thing people like us more, or because it will make us more successful. Well when it comes down to it success can only be found by being ourselves and not cheating behind a mask.
Ever heard that term ''Put on a Brave Face'' Well maybe this means ''Take Off'' the Masks because the bravest face to be seen with is your own.
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