He Spoke about how we lived and how we are seen to people outside the church. the quote that was used in part of the sermon has slipped my mind (most things do), but it was basically to say that what we have and what we hear and learn should be shared to others that do know or need help to understand.
He also sad ''whats the use of a seed if its left in the packet?''. You need to plant a seed. Then feed the seed for it to grow and become strong.
Jesus spoke many times in parables and when asked why he told the parable of the seed. Some fell on the hard path and where eaten by birds. Some fell on rocky ground that grew but roots didn't get a good bed so the plant could not feed and died.
Some seeds fell on weedy ground and grow up strong only to be smothered by weeds and die. but The seeds that where sown in good soil grow and yielded a crop 100 times more than what was planted.
This was basically to help explain that words and teaching can sometimes fall on death ears, sometimes people will listen but not understand. Some will listen, understand but soon forget, and others will listen learn and grow and seek more learning.
Parables where a way Jesus could speak to the people around him to help them understand things. It was a way to make things simple and put in a context that the people of that time could relate to.
It has been suggested that I try and put Parables into today's understanding, so Over the next few weeks I'm gonna try and put some parables into terms we can all relate to.
The bible isn't out of date as some suggest. Parables are still as important today as they where 2000 years ago, but maybe some parables can be brought into today's understanding?
A Tradesman can do his job how he feels is the best way of doing it, but its not important. The important thing is that the end result is the same. So maybe its the same with Parables?????
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