Ok, lets look at it another way, you go to a great restaurant and have an amazing dinner. You come away feeling good (if not a little full) and you say to someone the next day that its a great place.Why wouldn't you? you had a great diner great atmosphere and great service so you tell people about it.
The thing is that with all great things you want to tell people about it. Why wouldn't you. and that's the same as me.
I started blogging as a personal thing that only i would read (kind of like a release. But soon realised that why would i keep this great News top myself. Why would I not tell others about stuff I learn and hear, feel and see. Its not courage its truth.
Ok Ok blah blah blah. I'm going on again about this stuff again.... but I am amazed just how many people say to me, '' I wish I had a faith'' or ''I believe in something, just not sure what'' or the classic ''yer I'm sure god does exist, its just not for me''.
Is it that people are scared? well if you seek god and find he isn't there then theres nothing to be scared about. But is you seek god and find he is then again you have found the key that gives you HOPE, FORFILLNESS and ETERNAL LIFE.
''Im Looking to add Testomonies to the blog from people that want to tell it. this could be annonamously or not, and could be on video or just written. email me if you would like to share your story on here Garethdcook@hotmail.co.uk)
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