Wednesday, 19 September 2012


When I was a young teenager I went down town with to mates. We went in to Woolworths just to have a look around. In the shop they had a pic and mix and as I past it I commented how I liked a curtain sweet. One of my mates dared me to take one. Not being one to turn down a dare, I stole a sweet and suddenly felt this massive gguilty feeling inside of me.

I walked quickly to the door trying not to be seen chewing as I left. I got to the door and ran from the shop till I got to a safe place. With my mate laughing and all of us out of breath I started to calm down and walked back to the shop, not to confess but to buy some more sweets to try and make up for the shops great loss of a cola bottle.

OK, not the crime of the century, but a crime nether the less. I'm sure this confession wont lead me to a prison sentence or a stretch of community service but the guilt was there and I felt the need to try and put it right.

In the bible it says how there are many sins and I must admit after learning about some of them I felt pretty bad...... it turns out even things we think of can be sins.... I found out that looking at girls bottoms (no matter how sutterly I do it) is a sin. Trying to do something good to make yourself look good or for self gain is a sin.

The horrible thing about it all is, is the fact we all sin. And whats worse is that we all will keep sinning. But Jesus has already put those sins right (or has already forgiven us). This doesn't mean we should think that sinning is OK as we are already forgiven, it means that we will sin sometimes with guilt and sometime not even thinking about it.

I find myself these days thinking about things before I do them. I try and put myself into a state of mind where I can be calm and understanding. Ive even found myself asking 'What would Jesus do?''

The thing with Guilt is it adds weight to are journey. It can weigh us down even further than we need or can deal with. It can get in the way of moving forward.

Don't let guilt drive you into the ground. Remember Jesus has taken that 1 Ton weight from us and we can pass it to him and know he will carry it leaving us free to look ahead and move forward.

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