I was reading yesterday about a church that was reaching out by way of Sport and social events. What a great way to get people involved in church. But reading on I started to wonder if this was being done in a way that promoted true christian believes.
I read that the church were finding the bank balance had looked healthier because of all the people that where giving through these event, and of course this is good as the money can be used to help others. But then I wondered if what the church was doing was right?
It says in the bible that no one will come to the father except through Jesus... I other words no one will get into heaven without truely knowing Jesus and believing in him. So then should we be doing more than sports and social events to promote church.
These kind of events are great to use as an introduction to church but they also be used to promote church beliefs. Its no good offering the people a game of football or a meal if we don't Let them know about Jesus.
Lets look at it a different way. A sports man can join the local church sports team because he loves to play sport. he turns up every week for a year and becomes an important part of the group. He loves the sport and loves being part of the group and has made many good friends there.
The Christians in the group play each week with this guy and all is good. but hang on, while its great that this guy is spending time with church people and making friends with Christians is he aware of this?
Church groups of this kind should try and bring prayer and discussion into all situations. I find it easy to find ways of bringing my faith into situations and know that god will keep providing those situations.
So if your church has a group or sports team as a way of an outreach is there more that can be done to bring God into it? is there a way it can be more about telling people about Jesus rather than just a social Event.
Maybe a Special Church Service. Or maybe a House group... Look for ways to encourage this as God does and will provide a situation for you to speak for him.
This doesnt just have to work in a Church Group, The same can be done at work, in school and in any group or one to one situation. Dont push it but wait for it to happen.
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